Royal Rose I think you maybe epitomise what many would like to have experienced and subsequently have grown a whole other life around!
It is a matchung partner/soulmate whom you then forge new friends and relationships and family links through into a whole other new world that you come o take gor granted (in the best possible sense) and life develops a momentume of its own!
What frustrates me is when I hear some saying to those whom have never experienced this that it is of their own doing and spo is all their life since as well as the barreb one before them.
I see so many shades of WatchTower World in society its funny ha ha but sad really!
So I'm pleased for you Rose - it's what most of us wanted at heart but now feel like people who missed the train still stood in the station waiting and if one comes the place we're headed has already done the olympic events - if you catch ny drift?