If You Were Wrong About The JWs, Maybe Your Current Beliefs Aren't True

by serotonin_wraith 75 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Zico


    I feel sorry for you. No, not because you don't believe in "God", but because I saw the size of some of the posts on your thread, and I thought "My gawd, is he expected to respond to all that!"

    I think Christianity has become like an eat what you want buffet, so I'm bound to say things that some Christians don't apply to themselves. Some believe in evolution, some think everyone gets a fair shot at heaven whether they follow Jesus or not, and so on. People have their own personal religion much of the time, under the banner of Christianity.

    Well, yes, there is that, but mainly, I'm still bothered about the time you said Christianity was worse than the Ku Klux Klan!

    Anyway, getting on point:

    While that could be very real to you, your rational mind should take over and look for alternative explanations for what you experienced.

    Do you use your "rational mind" to look for alternative explanations to all the people you meet? After all, shouldn't you be consistent?

    Actually, I'm not averse to questioning my own experiences, heck I even critiqued the first such experience on this board on a basic level, because I know that feeling it's real, doesn't make it so. I think the only alternative explanation I have here, is that I've had several moments of temporary insanity, as opposed to the other idea that I really did have an experience with something "divine"

    I don't have evidence to support either of those conclusions, and I find, personally, that to accept the alternative explanation would mean I'd have to completely rule out the possibility that a supernatural experience did happen, and yet, I don't have enough evidence to be able to rule it out.

    Maybe one day science will explain such experiences in a way that precludes God, as you often point out with your Thor example, they have often found natural explanations for things that were once given supernatural explanations, and thus, I accept that this is possible.

  • Shawn10538

    YES!!! Excellent post. I wake up each day and remind myself that I probably have the whole thing wrong, top to bottom. I really strive to avoid dogmatism. I rty to neveer be 100% sure about my beliefs. In fact, I try to keep my beliefs small in number. (Less chance of getting em all wrong if there is not that many beliefs to contend with. Thanks for posting. Of course I have to consider now that I am probably even wrong about what I wrote in this paragraph. It doesn't mean that I won't try to argue my side of an issue from time to time, but as I grow up my intensity in these arguments is getting les and less.

  • Vinny

    Seratonin says:..."Vinny, You're too closed minded to have a conversation with."

    No answers, no explanations, no rebuttals just same old sorry EXCUSES and running away.

  • Zico

    To be fair Vinny, you did give him a bloody long post to deal with!

  • serotonin_wraith


    I 'm still bothered about the time you said Christianity was worse than the Ku Klux Klan

    I can't remember exactly what I put now. In context, I think it was about how beliefs can be dangerous. Believing black people are inferior can lead to some terrible actions, but believing in a god can lead to many more negative actions, some more subtle than others. I can't find that post now.

    Do you use your "rational mind" to look for alternative explanations to all the people you meet? After all, shouldn't you be consistent?

    I would if I was the only person who saw them and they were from the past, but I believe people I see are real because I can interact with them, and I don't just get a feeling they're answering me, I hear it and see it. If I was stood in the middle of the street talking to myself, I hope someone would be kind enough to get me some help.

    It's difficult to comment on your experience as I don't know what it is. I know the mind can be tricked...


    I have answered some of the questions. The fact you don't acknowledge that gives me no reason to answer the rest for you. On the plus side, I think you're doing a better job of showing people how irrational dogma is than I ever could.

    "Evolution is just silly, how can we be here thanks to chance?"

    "It isn't chance, it's natural selection."

    "Poor atheists, thinking it's all chance."

    "Umm, pardon? Are you reading what I'm putting? You're the one saying it's chance, not me or anyone else who understands evolution."

    See? Well, you probably won't.

  • Vinny

    Poor Seratonin is getting TROUNCED.

    "It isn't chance, it's natural selection."

    "Poor atheists, thinking it's all chance."

    "Umm, pardon? Are you reading what I'm putting? You're the one saying it's chance, not me or anyone else who understands evolution."

    See? Well, you probably won't.

    Which is exactly why he's doing the running away thing.


    Where did Vinny say "(((Evolution))) is just silly, how can we be here thanks to chance?"

    I said ((((ALL THINGS)))) from nothing by nobody into amazing, organized, complex things is foolish nonsense. (Which is exactly what it is).

    Since Seratonin is getting buried (and knows it) he tries to twist what vinny said.

    But fortunately, we have the printed page.

    To refresh the poor atheists memory here is exactly what Vinny said and which Seratonin has NO REPLY FOR:

    : )

    And for those that say universe is all chaotic, and not organized; then look at us right now. Here we are. Everything perfectly working and beautifully, harmoniously balanced. Life sure exists right now due to amazing harmony and balance of numerous, essential things all at once.

    And this too is nothing new...

  • Zico

    Sero: I Just looked up "Serotonin" as it was not a word I'd heard before, so I learned something today, which is always nice.

    I can't remember exactly what I put now. In context, I think it was about how beliefs can be dangerous. Believing black people are inferior can lead to some terrible actions, but believing in a god can lead to many more negative actions, some more subtle than others. I can't find that post now.

    Don't worry Sero, I wasn't being fully serious, I'm not really bothered now, hence the: at the end. Maybe I should have been clearer?

    It's difficult to comment on your experience as I don't know what it is. I know the mind can be tricked.

    I appreciate that, and I don't intend to post about the experiences on an Internet forum, at least not at the moment anyway, so I wasn't expecting a debunking. I also know the mind can be tricked, as I said above, I just can't rule out the possibility that it is real.
    Good luck "debating" Vinny, though the phrase "exercise in futility" comes to mind.

  • serotonin_wraith

    You're mixing evolution with abiogenesis and cosmology. Once the spark of life started on this planet, natural selection took over to create complex living things. Not chance.

    Nobody knows how life started yet. It didn't come from nothing. It came from 'stuff' that was here already. The Earth formed as chunks of rock fused together thanks to gravity. They came from the matter that circled our sun as it formed. Our sun formed as gases got closer and closer together. The gases came from the explosions of other stars- as they died, they sent their matter flying outward. The gases came from only three gases in the beginning- hydrogen, helium and lithium, I think, which later formed the heavier elements.

    The simpler gases came from a single point referred to as the Big Bang. What was there before that nobody knows yet. Whatever it was, I don't think it was nothing. I think it was something, but I don't know what it was yet. I'm not arrogant enough to think I do.

    So no, I do not think these things came from nothing. I do think complex things can come about over lots of time, naturally. The conditions needed for a planet with life are rare - right distance from the sun, etc. But when you consider there may be a billion billion planets on which the conditions weren't just right, and a giant vaccuum called space in which no life exists either, I don't see a universe created for life. I see one speck of dust that happened to fall in just the right place.

    Imagine a room with an ant in it. What's the chances of throwing up a penny and hitting the ant? Pretty low. Now imagine millions of pennies being thrown left, right and centre. If one hits the ant, woop de doo. It's not so impressive when you see all the other pennies that missed, and all the other places in the universe where life doesn't exist.

  • Vinny

    Folks, this is exactly what happens when atheists try to explain all things from nothing by nobody. You just gotta love atheists that even try.

  • serotonin_wraith

    Yes Vinny, you sure showed me.

    As you're in the business of deceiving yourself to feel good I'll let you believe you 'trounced' me, that I didn't answer your points and that I actually did say "There is no god", not "I lack belief in one". You can have the final personal laugh too if you like...

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