The hygene reason is a valid one. Ask a nurses aid in a nursing home if they prefer to take care of uncircumcised residents or circumcised ones.
*shudder*......My eldest son was born prematurely, so we were told to wait until the time of his actual due date, before we booked him in to be circumcised. We sat down the hall, in the waiting room, while they did it, and when we heard his cries, both my husband and I wished we hadn't put him through it.
When my youngest son was born, my husband and I couldn't decide to have him done or not, after our experience with our oldest son. By the time we saw the specialist, he was too big, and we were told to bring him back in a year's time, when they could put him out to do it.
Needless to say, he was never circumcised and he's never had any problems. It doesn't bother him that he "looks" different than his brother or his father.
Now, (here in Ontario), for the last few years, you have to pay for it to be done, our O.H.I.P doesn't cover it anymore.