the unkindest cut of all?

by chickpea 66 Replies latest social family

  • 5go

    Herpes. A minority of Jewish circumcisers practise Metzizah b'peh, (oral suction). It has been linked with 8 cases of herpes infection in Israeli infants, one of whom suffered brain damage [38] [39] . In New York, three cases of herpes were linked with oral metzizah. One baby died and one suffered brain damage [40] . In response to this, New York public health officials warned the Jewish community about the dangers of metzizah b'peh [41]
    Yah we love to get on JW for no blood for their children and how they should be dealt with. This is liter sucking a male child's **** (basically religious sanctioned child molestation I don't care what you say to counter it) which also comes with the possibly giving him a STD for life. Why aren't these people in jail and why is this practice still tolerated in the west.

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    I agree with your POV, chickpea. Good to do the research. I could never subject anyone - baby or not - to such pain. If adults want it done, then adults should get it done - to themselves.

    FGM is also a horrible thing, and there are a few different variations of its horrible theme. Just google it up and see. It's absolutely wretched. good luck with the babies!

  • berylblue

    If you don't understand the difference between male vs female circumsion... but maybe you really don't - so let me explain it to you.

    Circumcised men can still feel sexual pleasure. Circumsised women cannot. I know some claim they do, but how would they know ? To what would they compare their "feeling" if they were mutilated as children?

    I don't myself approve of circumsion, but it's a personal choice.

    The men's rights activitists are fond of making a comparison between the two, but I call bull. As much sympathy as I have for many men's issues, this is not one of them. There is NO COMPARISON. If you don't agree, maybe you should volunteer to prove that I'm wrong.

  • avishai

    Beryl, there are three "types" of FGM recognized by WHO. I think most people in the comparison are thinking of "type I" where you are likely thinking of "Type III". It's all awful though.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I'm cut. Mine works fine, as far as I know...

    I had a classmate that had a botched circumcision at infancy. After seeing him in the lockerroom, and what he wasn't left with, I won't have my sons circumcised at birth.

    They will be taught the importance of cleanliness. And unless they keep their tools clean, they'll be sent to the guillotine!

  • cultswatter

    Wait a minute.. The soldiers in the gulf war who had no skin are the ones who's weenie were alll raw from the sand. The foreskin is a mini condom so to speak there is no way for sand to get in

    This circumsiicon is truly BS. All it takes is a bit more attention to hygiene.

  • startingover

    Just thought I would resurrect this thread to add something. For you uneducated women out there who think a circumsized penis is better looking, you fail to consider something. Not being circumsized is like owning a convertible car, you can have it both ways, up or down.

  • seawolf

    I'm circumcised and mine can be up or down, too.

  • Gregor

    Ever seen a circumcision that was done with pinking shears? Quite eye catching. Kind of looks like the jokers collar.

  • startingover



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