the unkindest cut of all?

by chickpea 66 Replies latest social family

  • chickpea


    But they will pry my clit from my cold dead fingers, probably literally

    get me that bumpersticker!!!!

    adult males aside, the original query was about the practice of routine non-medical surgical modification of a baby male's genitalia and any rationale that would put it in the same category as female genital mutilation.....

    BTW.... for adults making an informed consent to be circumcised there are a variety of 'styles' including but not limited to minimal, partial, loose, moderate and tight

  • VoidEater

    any rationale that would put it in the same category as female genital mutilation....

    Mutilation is mutilation. One is more cruel than the other; neither should be performed as routine surgery without compelling reason. At least with men, it's likely men came up with the idea for ritual purposes; with women, it seems it was created by men to deny women their sexuality.

    In the Western world, I would think the "believers" would be against circumcision because it violates the sanctity of God's creation (except for followers of Judaism, who would maintain their tradition, I would think); the "unbelievers" would be against it because evolution gave us a perfectly good body part for a reason.

  • 5go
    That was my reason for having my son circumcised. The hygene reason is a valid one. Ask a nurses aid in a nursing home if they prefer to take care of uncircumcised residents or circumcised ones.

    I still don't see how not having a inch less of penis makes you more Hygienic. Though I will tell that one inch make a diffrence in masturbation. OH GOD IT FEELS SO GOOD WHEN YOU RUB IT RIGHT!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Nursing home?! Aren't those people usually old and have a lifetime of sex behind them? I would much rather (if I was a guy) have a really good lifetime than worry while I was young if when old I would be easier for people to clean. Weird! No one thinks like that!

  • orangefatcat

    SS I am with you on that issue. It is clean neat and I to liked it. However my son wasn't circumsized cause he was a premie and born with strept B menegitis. So the doctor said to me "certainly you wouldn't want to inflict any more pain on your baby and I said no and the doctor I had as a ped. was Jewish. He felt concerned with the pain factor for my son which I appreciated and he has never had any problems. My ex wasn't and I wouldn't have sex with him until he bathed because he never kept his penis clean and he would forever give me infections. When I married my second husband he was so clean and adorable I could have eaten him up. Sorry if that sounds gross.

    But I think it is nice if the guy is and if not he'd better well keep his penis and clean. I couldn't stand the ignorance of my first husband. He had to told to take a bath , change his underwear. I was just sick to death of him. After fighting with him for 10years about his hygiene and my constant infections even though he said he'd washed was just too much so I pushed him out of my bed and for the next 18yrs I refused to have sex with him. He just didn't get it. Then he started taking regular bathes and washing he would beg for me to make love to him, I refuse on the grounds he was a man who had a mean and cruel side to him and he had to be told to bathe, what moron has to tell someone to take a bath and clean his penis everyday.



  • avishai

    I've worked in rest homes, and it's no big deal, frankly some of the women were no picnic either. And that's the point I'm gonna get at. First, let's look at a reversal. The female equivalent of male circumcision would be having the hood of your clit removed. Sound fun? Y'all have parts and folds that are just as internal and hard to keep clean. Having dirty "junk" is gross, period, chopped and lowered regardless.

  • 5go

    Chickpea good post on adult who get circumcised. Trust me guys you are missing something more than just a tip you are missing the greatest nerve ending on the male body. Though I can see why it would cut down on male masturbation. If I didn't have the tip I would really care for the mess masturbation causes. Which I guess would explain the benefits to hygiene as well.

  • sass_my_frass

    I had never thought about it until my husband told me how much he resented never being given the choice; because he'd have chosen not to. I had always thought it's just what you do to little boys, and then he pointed out that that's what people think of little girls in the congo. That made me shudder. Mr Frass says he'd have gotten the hang of personal hygiene.

    Cleanliness in the tropics: what about the rest of us who don't live in the tropics?

  • VoidEater

    Good for you, OrangeFatCat! It's time you were treated with respect!

  • 5go

    Yeah how hard is it to install a removable shower head and spray the area thoroughly and rub it vigorously with soap and water till you scream out in joyous glee and collapse on the shower floor in total ecstasy. Speaking of which it's time for a shower.

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