I thought most of them were alright but a couple REALLY sucked!
Did You Like The Elders In Your Hall?
by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends
When I first became a JW I was quite in awe of the elders and assumed they were all such righteous and loving men Later on I began to realise otherwise of course, so I thought some were kind and some were nasty specimens.
No, I didn't like most of them, so were just hounders, hounders to be, or hounder wanna be's, Most of them were outwardly nice, but unless you fit into their particula clique, you only existed when they seen you at the hall. The bunch at a particular hall in San Diego, CA were very deragotory.and done everything but build up the congregation.
In the hall I grew up in, I did. My dad was the PO so of course I liked him!
When I married and moved away and went to a new hall, I disliked all the elders except for one of them. They were all so arrogant. The one elder I did get along with was good friends with me & my then husband. We would go on trips with him and his wife. He didn't act like an elder, so that why I liked him. Of all the elders on my JC, they would not allow him to be part of it because they felt he had too much of an emotional tie to me, so I got stuck with all the power hungry, little man syndrome, arrogant asses!
When I was a kid, before the elder arrangement we had an Overseer. He was really cool and I liked him a lot. He always paid a lot of attention to my Mom and her needs being she had 5 kids and a UBM. He really was a "shepard". Showed genuine concern for us. I think if there were more like him in the org I may have stayed on longer than I did.
I think his wife was a little jealous though. That woman wore more make-up than Tammy Faye-Baker.
Most of them where nice but mis-guided. A couple of the "hard a**es" had nothing going on in there lives, (crappy jobs, no future) so being an Elder is all they had going for them. Two Elders from my old Hall are really nice and we still talk. I will say this about the Elders, they are the biggest drinkers i even hang out with and I went to College and lived in the Dorm for a while. Elders are the best drinks.
We'll get to the elder's wives in another thread.
I meant drinkers not drinks...LOL
Homerovah the Almighty
No not at all they were the biggest hypocrites in the hall , all were for some reason always the richest in the hall
Always were dressed in the most expensive suits and drove the most expensive cars / Mercedes and Cadillacs
And someone mentioned drinking as well same thing here , they seemed to be obsessed with living the good life rather than being humble spiritual leaders
I haven't been to that hall for 20 years or more but I would expect the same situation
Monetary social status seemed to coincide in balance with spiritual status.......... In God we trust I guess
There was one that I liked--he really seemed sincere in trying to improve things, the children were fun, and he (and his wife) appreciated my assistance in entertaining the children (and not just beating up on them), especially the one that was both very intelligent and very active.
The others were counterproductive. All they gave a fxxx about was hounding me. They wanted me to stay single forever so I could join that Value Destroyer Training School. They undermined my success in finding a mate. They insisted in my obeying every little rule. And, one of them even showed interest in dragging me into that new, stagnant order if it came to that. Besides, they all drove the one decent elder right out, attempting to disfellowship him for nothing, and then spreading no end of slander on his name.
The hounders effectively did nothing to give me reason to want to be at the boasting sessions. Rather, they took any existing reason away. And they wonder why I no longer go.