Did You Like The Elders In Your Hall?

by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    when I was on the body, overall they were good guys and we often would have an alcoholic beverage after an elders meeting - we were friends. After I stepped down and one or two other elders left they brought in a society man - he was OK but a bit of a pompous ass - but OK. In current KH, they really are OK - I get invited around for dinner etc - not bad people at all. The very first KH I attended , the PO was a total prick. The rest were good guys

  • stillajwexelder

    when I was on the body, overall they were good guys and we often would have an alcoholic beverage after an elders meeting - we were friends. After I stepped down and one or two other elders left they brought in a society man - he was OK but a bit of a pompous ass - but OK. In current KH, they really are OK - I get invited around for dinner etc - not bad people at all. The very first KH I attended , the PO was a total prick. The rest were good guys

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I remember a "brother" (not baptized but attended meetings) who commented that when an elder was appointed, their personality changed. I really believe that most elders have two personalities. At times they are ordinary, decent people--but when they put on the elder personality, they often become something else. My father was a good example. We were good friends when we were taking care of my mother during her last years. He was so greatful for my help. Then mother died, and he went back into elder mode. Certain relatives came forward to inform him that I was no longer attending meetings or going in service (I was completely worn out working full time and being a nurse for my mother). Suddenly my father turned against me and left most of the estate to my daughter.

    He was a good enough father, but I didn't like him as an elder and I think there were lots of people who felt the same way about him for reasons of their own. He was extremely judgmental, but then, he was taught to be that way.

  • chickpea

    there was a "core" of about 4 that were perrinials..... elders forever..... then there were a few that rotated in and out.... THEY were the ones that were righteous overmuch and just plain roual pains in the @ss..... mostly they were ineffective, not trained or qualified with the issues we were told to bring to them!!

  • jaguarbass

    The last hall I went to down here in Florida in 1981, they had some characters. Elders from New Jersey.

    One even though he was counsled insisted on refering and praying to Jehober God.

    Another one insisted on calling him Joe God.

    I guess looking back those guys were cool. We just didnt know it back in 81.

  • LongHairGal

    In the early days, before I got too close and formed any opinions, I thought they were okay. I never put anybody on a pedestal (and that goes for so-called 'anointed'). I just saw them as men doing a job and I never understood why anybody thought they were so wonderful. I don't think anybody is wonderful. And I never believed anybody was appointed by 'holy spirit'. I always felt this was an outrageous claim and pure B.S. as if to intimidate or 'guilt trip' people into overly trusting them or tolerating rudeness or presumptuous behavior.

    Over time the rude awakening set in and I saw them with all their flaws. I learned long ago to keep them at a distance.


  • Outaservice

    I liked one in particular................myself. Great guy!


  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Current congregation : 1 out of 5

    1) He is a very kind, sympathetic "shepherd" who doesn't emphasize textbook procedures and policy. I wonder if he peruses JWD.

    2) A company man. Doesn't he know what "shepherd" means. He thrives off of doing paperwork and trying to look busy in the congregation. Forgets about various ones in the congregation, including those in his own book study.

    3) Former Bethelite. Another company man. Always refers to the "society's direction". Hardly a word quoted from the Bible. Conservative and neglecting the "weightier matters".

    4) Semi-company man. Has to be because he is on the society payroll as a special pioneer. Glorifies the FDS. Has sick family, so doesn't bother with petty and trivial stuff in the congregation.

    5) New elder. Trying to tow the line and make himself acceptable. No sense of depth. Or at least trying to seem like he has depth. I see him as the new "gopher" in the elder body. He will be used to do all of the things that the other elders don't want to do.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • tooktheredpill

    I'm my favorite Elder!!!

  • minimus

    I can't stand thinking about elders who glorify the "Slave".

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