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Whoa...what's up with me? (thanks to my friends who have been calling, etc)
by wanderlustguy 28 Replies latest jw friends
im trying to figure out how to approach this as i feel a compulsion to respond. there is nothing in this verse that we have control of. nothing. the closest we ever come is a partial control of ourselves. i dont know what you are going through. i'm sure you'll tell me in due course. until that point the reserve clarity i have i'll direct toward you. the only way to see ourselves is through the mirrors in other people and by answering hard questions. it seems that you've been asked some. your story is your own and the way you deal with tragedies / difficulties defines who it is that you become. be that man, not the one that other people would construct by grinding the good of you up and extruding something less than what you are capable of being. be who it is that you want to be. you decide that and that man is not subject to the whims of other people no matter how much it may seem that he is. fuck em. you do you.
im trying to figure out how to approach this as i feel a compulsion to respond. there is nothing in this verse that we have control of. nothing. the closest we ever come is a partial control of ourselves. i dont know what you are going through. i'm sure you'll tell me in due course. until that point the reserve clarity i have i'll direct toward you. the only way to see ourselves is through the mirrors in other people and by answering hard questions. it seems that you've been asked some. your story is your own and the way you deal with tragedies / difficulties defines who it is that you become. be that man, not the one that other people would construct by grinding the good of you up and extruding something less than what you are capable of being. be who it is that you want to be. you decide that and that man is not subject to the whims of other people no matter how much it may seem that he is. fuck em. you do you.
When you figure out why we can do this for other people and not ourselves... let me know. Pisses me off.
because it is less painful to pick out the flaws in others and see their solution filtered by our own perceptions. it is a great deal of work to do that for ourselves. so the reason? we are lazy and scared... probably more scared than anything.
((((((((((WLG)))))))))), I'm sorry. I've had my heart broken a couple of times. It really sucks, but with time it always heals and grows back bigger than before. Don't give up on yourself or other people. I'll miss you in the werewolf game.
Dude. Don't know exactly what's going on, like Dom said, you'll tell whoever you feel like telling in due course. Regardless, there are things that, for lack of a better way of saying it, have no 'easy' fixes, and it sucks.
I sometimes wonder what could be more tragic, feeling down, sad and heartbroken or being completely numb. Don't know, but what doesn't kill us...
I'm sending you a big psychic hetero-bear hug!
Pity party to join - I'm your gal!
With that out of the way I need to thank a couple of people, I am so sorry is it so late in coming. Thank you miss Crumpet (who can make the most ridiculous thing sound insanely intelligent), and Hemplover for your hospitality. For those who do not know this, I ran into trouble in December because my clients had not paid me, AND I took off to be with my kids, and gave them their first real Christmas. I was going to make the dinner only and then hope I had enough gas to get home and get my check.. These two, especially Crumpet, financed me staying there for the fest which did me so much good. Crumpet is a good friend to have, she gives without any expectaions at all, very hard to find. I got home and had 6 dollars in my pocket, but I wouldn't have done that if not for some great people. And thank you for not telling anyone, I felt like a real loser.
Donnie - thank you for saying that about me - it makes me feel like I could be a "good friend" after all. That is the best praise I can ever think of.
An as for financing - someone very generous and anonymous on this board who will not reveal their identity sent me $100 in a christmas card when I got there. So you know that money and the left overs from Sad Emo's kind gift back in May were distributed to make other people happy or take care of their needs, you drove me bloody miles, I just reimbursed your gas expenses to the extent I could and the rest of the money went on Champagne so all at the New year Fest could toast the passing of the year. It was a fantastic experience, meeting you and mastdon and mrs were highlights and I hope to keep you as friends. And I am looking forward so much to being with you in 3 months, so save them pennies for a cocktail when I get to Santa Fe!
Oh and by the way I DID try to call you several times last night, but the number I got just wasn't connecting.
nina x
WLG: At first I was a bit frightened of you. I have come to know those parts that you show in your words here on this board, and I am touched by your honesty and have come to respect what I see. I understand what you speak of, though of course the details are hidden to me. Luke said it better than anything I might add. I look forward to being at least a listening ear.
it makes me feel like I could be a "good friend" after all.
I should have said something more like awesome wonderful incredible friend.
WLG: At first I was a bit frightened of you. I have come to know those parts that you show in your words here on this board, and I am touched by your honesty and have come to respect what I see. I understand what you speak of, though of course the details are hidden to me. Luke said it better than anything I might add. I look forward to being at least a listening ear.
I've heard this a couple of times, and I've thought about adjusting the way I come across, and changing the avatar, etc. But, then I mention it and I'm told to keep being who I am, not in your face or confrontational, but open, honest, and direct.
I try really hard, and sometimes the direct thing is a challenge because I would hate to hurt someone.
The details involve no one here to be certain, yet you never know how things end up, or who will one day read what you wrote. The vagueness is not for my protection, I could care less who knows what about me.
Thanks for taking the time to say something,it means a lot.