For every ten years that this system goes on to allow that many more to 'hear the good news' that many more are born. It's a never ending process. So don't try and sell that magic potion to me. I see that snake oil for what it is. God's given every one a chance huh? Tell that to the Indians, the Chinese, and others. There are almost NO JWs there. Too bad, out of luck.
Think everyone in the USA has 'heard the good news'? Think again, typical of a JW to think that they are SO well know, SO big. Fact is the majority of the USA has NO IDEA what JWs think and beleive, and a Saturday knock on the door and a hurried up pushing of the latest WT/Asleep rags isn't cutting it. If this is god's best effort to educate the world he's doing a piss poor job. He's going to kill you cause you didn't listen too 2 people stumble through a 30 second presentation (and who are silently wishing the McDonalds break would hurry up and come). Just cause JWs are the center of your world (and many x-JWs too) doesn't mean the average person has ANY idea about them. This 'good news' of the JWs that god will soon kill you, your babies, and your little dog too is NOT being preached like you think it is.
Think about it. What if, just suppose that god were using the mormans, not the JWs. You just politely asked the last batch of fresh cut young mormon boys to leave last week. That was your one shot at life dude. Too bad, god gave you a chance didn't he?
And as for Noah's flood, play with the numbers. No way him and all the required animals were on an ark/boat of that size for over a year and had enough food, nor is there any way Noah and his handful of merry men could have possible had time in the day to feed and scoop the crap out of the boat. They would have drown in crap and piss. It's not possible. So you can keep that little 'proof' too.
And here I thought the Romans were the ones who killed the Jew's in Jerusalem. My bad. I guess it was the Jew's fault for being Jewish and living in their capital city.
Oh, YoYo boy, when you are stepping over my retrid, putrid, stanky, bird picked carcass try not to vomit directly on me please, thanks!