active and happy jw

by scumgrief 151 Replies latest jw friends

  • scumgrief

    Thanks Nelly! That will save me a lot of trouble! Mrs. Scumgrief is not to computer literate! :) Maybe she'll come on some time.

    Name: You're reaching man. Everybody knows that Jesus and his followers entire life revolved around spreading the kingdom message from city to city.

    Luke 4:18-"Jehovah's spirit is upon me, because he annointed me to declare good news to the poor, he sent me forth to preach.."

    And Jesus said that he was the head of the congregation, implying an organization of some type.

  • battman


    Go to your KH Library and read up in the Emphatic Diaglott
    about your comment of door to door.

    "When Jesus preached door to door, most people thought
    he was a wacko too."

    The original Greek that was written says that Paul taught
    them in their "houses of worship" not house to house and
    not door to door. Again the WT changes/adds to "inspired"
    scriture to satisisfy their need to go door to door to sell
    mags to get the money. Just follow the money, just follow
    the money a quote from deep throat re: WaterGate scandal.

    You have your work cut out here. You can believe what ever
    you want but your 2+2 will never = 4. If you can live with lies,
    deception, intellectual dishonesty then have fun.

    Ask your self would Jesus ever asscoiate or condone this
    manner of conduct?


  • scumgrief

    Calm down battman, I was just using a figure of speech.

  • Bgurltryal

    Oh suuuuureeeeeeeee...ignore my advise. Just go ahead and tick the 'Check here to remember logon details', you will be running back to my advice when you reach your limit of posts for the day and all your hard posting work is *GONE*..hrmph

  • scumgrief

    lol You're advice was great too Bgurl. :)


  • ashitaka

    May I pose a question to you....just a curiosity.....would you turn in one of the people in your congregation if you discovered them here, complaining about something?

    I'm not mean, just curious. You can mail me if you don't want to say on the board.

    I would've, way back when I was a dub. But, those feelings faded after I talked to a few reinstated people who told me what it was like....ughh.


    "I pray that I may never see the desert again-hear me God."-Robert Bolt

  • 4horsemen



    I mean that. Any JW who can be civil in their discussion of religion, read, and post to a board in which basically they are forbidden, represents to me someone who is at least not afraid to think. Congratulations.

    That said you said the following, "I have been reading here for a while out of curiosity I suppose, and decided to speak up finally because a lot of things that are said here about the wts and congregations are outright lies, some that make me laugh they are so preposterous."

    Could you be specific? What lies? Can you cite your proofs when you opine on your arguments?

    At present I just have one question for you:

    Have you researched your religion? If so, could you detail that journey?

    Good health to you.

    "Religion is that which keeps the poor people from murdering the rich." -Napoleon

  • crownboy

    Welcome SG.
    Like you, I too am an active JW (albeit an unhappy one) and I welcome whatever comments you may have (most of the so called JW posters are extremely rude, however I don't sense this attitude in you).

    You say that the U.N. thing is "unimportant", but that simply isn't true. Obviously, the society wasn't actively controling U.N. agenda (and I don't believe that was the reason they joined) and they did relatively little as a U.N.(N.G.O.) member. However to become a member they pledged that they would support the charter of an organization that according to (their interpretation of) the bible is probably the most evil organization ever imagined, as well as disseminate information of the positive nature about it (the U.N.).

    While from a purely objective standpoint one can argue the Watchtower really never helped the U.N., but only used it to help "further Jehovah's work", why did they drop their membership when it became public? Could it be because an average witness would think it was hypocritical for the Society to clearly compromise (to the point of offically endorsing) with an organization that is clearly "of the world", while a regular witness, under similar circumstances would be dissfellowshipped for such action? For example, if you joined the YMCA you would be dissassociated for compromising your Christain neutrality. Why? Because the YMCA is affiliated with Christendom. Forget the fact that you're only joining it to use the exersise facilities and not to promote the ideals of the church organization (which the Society OFFICALLY did with the U.N.), but the mere fact you were associated with a church of Christendom (even though you clearly aren't compromising your Christainity) makes you unworthy of association with God's people, and by extension eternal life.

    There is nary a difference between the Watchtower- U.N. union and a regular JW wanting to join the YMCA. Neither really wants to be an active member of the larger (evil) organization running the operation, they both only want side benefits that come with membership. However, both can't do it, the leadership lives by one set of rules while the R&F have to obey more stringent (and irrelevant) ones.

    So basically, I'm saying the U.N. incident is a big deal because according to what the society tells us in their publications, what they did was a compromise their neutrality. If they can do what they did, I should be able to join the YMCA.

    By the way YoYoMama: it's vindicate Jehovah's sovreingty. The name gets santified (yes there is a difference, and no I'm not picking on you, just pointing it out for your benefit).

  • Francois

    Wow, I didn't realize at first there are five pages of replies to you. I think that's because you represent a very unusual phenomena here: an active JW who behaves like a normal, decent human being who doesn't spend most of your time engaged in name calling on the one hand, and with your head so far up your ass you can't be reached with the truth. Congrats.

    Fact is, Scummy, I wonder how you justify being here in the first place. You know full well that this is Apostate City and the governing body and your local group of elders would shit bricks if they knew what you are up to.

    It occurs to me that you're really not a member of any club unless you pay the dues in full. In the case of the JWs and this Apostate web site, you're not paying the dues. You're not supposed to be here. At all. For any reason. You'd be DFed if it were known. So in the strictest sense, you're not really a JW, much less a happy and content one cause you're breaking the rules by being here.

    Perhaps this is your first step out of the Borg. I would encourage you to look at it that way. Just to see how it feels.

    My address is open. Please feel free to email me any time. I was born into the Borg and left of my own accord in my mid-20s just after I got out of college (where I learned to think for myself).

    Have a good whatever.


  • Pathofthorns

    Dead on comments Francois.

    I think Scum reminds us of ourselves on the way out. Very liberal and thinking for himself, while tossing in the odd 'society line'.

    I had to laugh at the "apostate city" comment. Very funny (or maybe its the wine tonight)


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