Anyone ever disfellowshipped for gluttony?

by gaiagirl 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gaiagirl

    I never knew or heard of anyone, and remember many, many members of congregations who clearly ate much more than they needed to for health. Since the Bible lumps gluttons with other "sinners" such as fornicatiors, why does WTBTS not prosecute gluttons? Perhaps elders meetings aren't as much fun when you only get to ask questions like "What did you eat next? Did you use a fork or a spoon? Did you cut it into bite size pieces, or use your teeth to bite chunks off? How did it taste? Did you savor it?"

  • Gregor

    Excellent observation. We had a sister in our cong that was morbidly obese and no one ever mentioned it. I guess it is a sin that has no sex appeal.

  • Sparkplug

    I laughed so hard at this post. It is very true..not something that is regulated as quickly as sex.

  • RebelWife

    I asked hubby about that once. (One of his "in" relatives, an elder, no less, is quite rotund.) Uh........

  • Gopher

    People can excuse overweight on some glandular disorder rather than a lack of self-control.

    The Bible rule against gluttony would be hard to enforce -- you need two eyewitnesses, and maybe most JW gluttons do their evil gluttony in secret, or with just one other person.

    Just imagine the judicial committee meeting with an accused glutton -- "Did you ENJOY the food? How many chocolate chip cookies did you eat? Did you wolf them down with one bite, or did you eat them more thoughtfully or appreciatively?"

  • faundy

    One sister in a neighbouring hall was banned from field service, answering at meetings, etc because she was to fat, and when I asked my friend why she answered "well it's gluttony, so it looks bad on Jehovah if she's representing him outside."

    What was this- eat as much as you want and you never have to go preaching????? Get me some Ben and Jerry's and a large coke, quick!


    If you disfellowshipped all the over weight JW`s..You`d lose 80% of the membership..All the way to the top of the WBT$..Bucket of Chicken 2Bucket of Chicken 2Eating FastEating FastBucket of Chicken 2Bucket of Chicken 2..................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • wifekeepsmeinit

    The Bible rule against gluttony would be hard to enforce -- you need two eyewitnesses, and maybe most JW gluttons do their evil gluttony in secret, or with just one other person.

    I seriously cannot stop laughing.

    In my old congo there was a brother about 19 or 20 years old who was morbidly obese, he was about 5 foot 5, mabey 300 pounds. He would always sit at the back, but you could always hear him breathing or (weazing).

  • Gopher
    One sister in a neighbouring hall was banned from field service, answering at meetings, etc because she was to fat

    Faundy -- If you don't mind my asking, how fat was she -- was it morbid? I've seen lots of very-overweight folks answering at the Kingdom Hall and breathlessly clambering up to people's doorsteps in their Field Misery.

  • anewme

    I have related this story before.

    I was visiting a friend from another congregation at her house. We were outside on her porch enjoying a lemon-aide when a neighbor emerged from the next house onto her porch to shake a rug or some other chore.

    My friend offered that the neighbor was a JW who was reproved recently due to her weight and an accusation of gluttony and slovenliness. She was very fat and her house was a total mess. Her kids all had lice and were on restriction from the school.

    She wasnt humongous like the poor 500-1,000 lb people you see featured on television who lie in beds eating all day long.

    It made me sad to watch her coming and going on the porch, trying to clean her house alone, enduring God knows what kind of life, while we comfortably and securely watched from afar, sipping our lemon-aide.

    I hate that organization, any organization that fails to show mercy.

    Mercy was what Christ was all about and somehow the Watchtower Society has missed that lesson.

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