Your Favorite JW Guilt Trips

by Wordly Andre 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • tinker

    asked by my MIL 'when are you and John going to 'get with it'?

    asked by my FIL 'when are you and John going to 'do something'?

    famous guilt pharses Get with it. + Do something

    Guilt is a useless emotion

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Your life really isn't YOUR LIFE. It's Jehovah's. YOU KNOW, you know that. (Followed by penetrating, blinkless, mad-dog stare.)

    or this,

    (re: DFed and/or Apostates)

    No matter where they go, no matter what they do, they still know it's the truth deep down inside.


  • legalchickie

    From my sister, "don't you realize that you are condeming yourself, your children and your baby grandson to death by leaving the organization??"

  • sooner7nc

    Probably with me it was any talk or comment on masturbation. I use to beat that thing like it owed me money, and I'm sure I was bright red everytime something was said from the platform about "unclean habits".

  • allreadygone

    R.Crusoe.. Does poop taste better than vomit? Sooner..LOL.. that is a classic.. my gut hurts.. sure hope I don't vomit cause all the apostates will show up at my door.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    How about "its not up to me to judge you its up to jehovah but I can not in good conscience assciate with you, I'm sorry but untill you come back it has to be this way" (doesn't it sound like they are the ones doing the judging and not god?)

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