I need all cases that you know about. If possible, names and dates. If you have newspaper articles, photos, court cases, web-reference, would be glad to learn about them. Thank you all.
by bj 30 Replies latest jw friends
I need all cases that you know about. If possible, names and dates. If you have newspaper articles, photos, court cases, web-reference, would be glad to learn about them. Thank you all.
Hello Joe,
I'm personally familiar with several JW's who've committed suicide, one of which was my brother. Before going into all that though, I'm wondering why you are wanting such information. Is it for a professional research project, for example? Are you preparing for a lawsuit? I'd be willing to provide more information for you, but it would help me to know more about what context you need.
It's only water from a stranger's tear (Peter Gabriel)
I know personaly of three suicides.1) Douglas Grimm, (1995 approx), put a charcoal grill in hiz car in some lonely parking lot in Arizona, found hiz body a few daz later.Left a wife & children.
2) Jim Medici,(1975 approx), lived in Omaha, drove to Colorado,sat in motel room, tub full of water, cut hiz wrists & lit charcoal grill, man did he want to die! He left a wife & 2 small children.
3)-Baker, (1998 approx.) Ft. worth, Tx., elder, blew hiz brains out!
I have heard of others, & plenty of attempts, the afore mentioned are ones whom I knew personally. Very sad.
Charter Hospital in Grapevine, Texas (close to Ft. Worth) had an in-patient psychiatric facility program exclusively for JWs. I know of at least one female JW, young, kids, married, who hung herself while staying there. There was a lawsuit over it.
"The God that comes before skepticism may bear little resemblence to the God that comes after."
(M. Scott Peck: The Road Less Traveled)
Oops. More came to mind. I remember a sister in Boerne, Texas, who doused herself with gasoline and set herself on fire. Sorry no names or dates.
An elderly sister at Castle Hills Congregation in San Antonio, Texas, who carbon minoxided herself with a running car in a closed garage.
Trudy was her first name. She was German, and had survived the concentration camps as a young girl. She killed herself about 12 years ago approximately.
"The God that comes before skepticism may bear little resemblence to the God that comes after."
(M. Scott Peck: The Road Less Traveled)
Thank you all for the information. The information is needed for a special conference that would take place in Belgium. Also, it is needed to show the danger of this sect and what it lead people to do. Yes, the french authority are interested in this.
I'm sorry Lauralisa to read of what happend to your brother, and for this reason we all need to join forces to STOP THIS INSANITY.
Hi BJ - could you provide more details about this upcoming conference? Also, are you in Belgium? Curios to know if the Gillette's are still serving at the branch there.
All best,
I could do some research and get you the name of the lawyer who represented the woman's family if you really want it; that is the girl who hung herself at Charter Grapevine. However, he represented her surviving JW relatives in their suit against the hospital. Don't know how much help that would be.
"The God that comes before skepticism may bear little resemblence to the God that comes after."
(M. Scott Peck: The Road Less Traveled)
I would appreciate it.
No I'm not living in Belgium (in France). The conference will be held next year. I don't know yet the date, and it would be another local association that we colaborate with there that would be attending. Marcel Gillet, is still the Branch coordinator. One of his cousins, that I had the opportunity to meet last week, left the JW some years ago.
I knew of 3 attempts by witnesses. One a child of 13, who planned on saving Jehovah the time and effort at Armageddon.
I knew of MANY, MANY cases of severe, confirmed cases of chronic depression.
And, I know of 2 cases of confirmed suicide. One an elder--hung himself. And another sister had something like 5 kids; just couldn't do it anymore. She kept going to the elders, and they kept saying, "more service, more meetings, blah blah blah" she did all those things, and the pain worsened, not got better, and she put a gun in her mouth, and ended her pain the only way she knew how. The elders were encouraged to "cover it up", esp, the fact of her going to them repeatedly. My dad was one of those elders at the time, and it is the only negative comment I've heard from him even though he's df'd.
This thread has reminded me that since I've been out, away from Jehovah's Witnesses, I have not met one person who's on meds for depression, or complains of depression, etc. Most of the people I know anymore are pretty balanced people with good senses of humor, plans and goals, and like themselves, pretty much. Whereas when I was "in" the org., depression was rampant. You couldn't go to any cong. anywhere without seeing rampant depression and mental problems. It was like, that was the norm, even with myself. For 3 years now, I haven't had one single episode of depression.
hmmmmmm.....the fruits of the spirit are love, joy....PEACE........