apostates at assemblys

by looloo 45 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • DoubleVision

    I always thought that they were there because they got df’ed
    and were protesting about it.

    Now I have respect for them. It takes guts to do something like
    that. I can see why one might want to do it.
    They probably felt sorry for us being enslaved to an organization and
    robed of Christ our only salvation.
    Or maybe they had family that they lost to this org and it’s blood policy.
    and wanted to help others not to go through the same thing they did.

    I wonder has anyone here ever stood out in front of an assembly with a sign
    with a message to the JW’s?


  • Maddie

    I remember on one occasion I saw a couple with placards and was curious to know why they were there, but I was told they were evil.


  • belbab

    What you sow

    Is what you reap.

    Rutherford started parading publishers with placards in front of churches.

    Religion is a Snare and a Racket

    Full circle,

    Now demonstrators over the years, picketing Bethel, and Assemblies.

    Let them be,

    They are only expressing what they have been programmed for in the past.


  • B_Deserter

    The only "apostates" I ever saw were attacking the religion on doctrinal grounds. They were a church group. I remember thinking "man, what a bunch of nut-jobs."

  • SnakesInTheTower

    This brings back a funny memory:

    I was attending a Grand Boasting Session (GBS) at the Jai Lai in West Palm Beach (this was before the Society bought the "leaky teepee" and converted it to a Grand Boasting Hall).

    There was a long roadway that led to the jai lai stadium and the parking area where the GBS was being held......there were a couple people handing out something near the street on this roadway...of course, all us good dubbies had it in ingrained in our heads not to take any literature from them or even look at or acknowledge them...so I, and most everyone else, were quickly rolling up our windows and looking away from them...this despite that, if our AC worked, it had not had time to crank up yet and we were sitting in a line of cars in the sweltering West Palm Beach summer heat and humidity sweating our a$$es off..... edited to add: I just remembered this: I was driving a piece of crap station wagon that had a tendency to overheat...and I had all my windows down so I could turn on the HEAT so the car would not overheat while waiting in traffic.....how could I forget THAT!

    I am sure they were confused as to the rather cold reception they were recieving.....


    Word got out the next morning and they received a lot warmer reception as the dubs eagerly accepted the apostate literature deli coupons. I am sure someone must have talked to them and when it was realized they were "nasty" apostates "innocent" deli employees, they understood (maybe) why the harsh reception on day one....

    Snakes ()

  • moshe

    I would like to give them a discount coupon to my place, Sam-n'-ellas diner. They would get a belly ache from my apostate menu.

    featured sandwich: Ruthertford's grilled steak sandwich marinated in 100proof Old Granddad whiskey.

  • Watkins

    That's so funny, Snakes!

    Went to one in Dayton, Ohio where there were 'anti-witnesses' right inside the gates of the parking lots. I saw one sign clearly - "Do you worship the GB in NY or Jehovah God?" I didn't even understand it! (because I didn't know how it really works...) I asked a friend what it meant and she said she didn't know either, but I suspect now she might've known, but didn't want to 'stumble' me.

    They are trying to do something good - maybe something they wish someone had done for them, if only... I think there are some poster here, or there were, that have picketed assemblies. I think it does do some good, because if it only makes one JW rethink some things and exit, then it's worth the time and effort. When I started reading 'apostate stuff' on the net(what does The Truth have to be afraid of anyway?!!) and found out about all the history revisionism, the outright lies and self-promoting proofless claims of the GB and FDS - it was the first thing to come to my mind like a flash - OH! THAT'S what that sign meant! It felt good knowing that someone was trying to warn me, since I ignored my own family's warnings and disapproval... If only I'd listened then!


  • tinker

    I was always curious about them. 'Watch out for the Watchtower' over their bullhorn. One time my FIL, a very friendly fellow, always wishing to help, went up to one asking them to please not be so angry and the apostate began yelling and caused more attention. Pretty funny and everyone talked more about them than usual.

    Years ago in LA at Dodger Statium there were a huge group all lined up the drive to parking, wearing Brown Paper Bags over their heads. Very entertaining

  • jambon1

    Never liked the religious signs, although the 'WT failed prophesies' caught my eyes a few times. On the other hand, those that demonstrate aginst the paedo policies etc get my respect.

  • Dagney

    Back in the daaaayyy...of course I thought "poor misguided souls. They need another hobby." And made remarks about the old same signs we saw every year, joking we should give them some art supplies to make nice new ones.

    Now I realize their frustration and understand it takes a lot of chutzpah to get out there and put your money where your mouth is.

    Interestingly a while back Dogpatch was telling us he hired a plane with a flyer that advertised a number that flew over Dodger stadium during a DC. Does anyone else remember that? He said he had thousands of responses to that call number, and even some through recent times. Goes to show you never know what will change in the heart of a person.

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