Are You Having A Tough Time Making Ends Meet?

by minimus 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    As long as George Bush stays in office, Who knows what well happen.


  • Layla33
    At some point people have to start taking responsibility for the financial chaos they are in, you can’t always blame the government for not being able to pay your rent on time. It’s time for Americans to stop spending money they don’t have.

    Actually I wish it was that simple. What you see happening has a lot to do with people living on credit cards which are dangled in front of us starting with color and these no money down mortgage payments that have in some cases doubled since people had them initially. Jobs are laying off people right and left - not small numbers but thousands in one day and people are being forced to lose their home because new bankruptcy laws are no good anymore. In my neighborhood I have seen seven sale signs go up in a six month period - that's not a good sign.

  • mkr32208

    I don't give a CRAP what you say 50% of the total balance on the card in fees for being ONE DAY PAST DUE (why do they hold an ONLINE PMT for 5 days anyway) is THEFT and which ever CEO approved that should be shot.

  • Vivamus

    Right now, yes. That's cuz medical bills are killing me (when the headaches don't do that already). I am insured (to the max) but a) the insurance costs a lot and b) it does not cover all expenses unfortunatly. I could handle the first 4 months of it, but right now I am continuously overdrawn on my bank account.

    But I have strong faith based on nothing that all will be allright ....

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    At some point people have to start taking responsibility for the financial chaos they are in, you can’t always blame the government for not being able to pay your rent on time. It’s time for Americans to stop spending money they don’t have.

    Omg, Lola, I can't believe you said this. While this may be true for some, this is certainly not a norm. Many people cannot pay their rent or mortgage because they have been laid off and what jobs are available don't pay the bills. We're certain to lose our home by spring at this point because there are NO jobs. People are losing their homes left and right here in MI and are heading out to Texas, Nevada and heaven knows where else to find work. My cousin, a simple guy whose family lives in the Rogers City area of MI, a guy who is a hard working man, industrious in a way I don't see often, is in Nevada working and sending home money. The only reason he can get away with this is because his children are grown. No, clearly, we're not all lazy slobs that charge fur coats and ipods and whine when there's nothing left for food and rent.

  • Robert7

    I view a lot of the financial problems (credit cards, mortgage crisis, debt, etc) very similarly to the enticing of the JWs. Marketing companies are trying to lure you into spending money, getting a zero-down mortgage, credit card, etc. You believe it because it makes sense and there are many others doing it. This has nothing to do with intelligence, rather getting wrapped in it all. If you apply some critical thinking, like what happens in 3 years when my interest rate goes up a few points, you realize that it's a lure and nothing else. For me personally, I applied this same critical thinking to finances, which kept me out of trouble, as I did to the JWs. So personally I can't complain. I'm making more money than ever, and have zero debt.

  • Priest73

    Well, CEO or no, you signed the back of the card and swiped it -there by accepting the terms.
    You err'd in not paying out of the correct account -hence you breached the agreed to terms by not paying. Whether you had the money or not, the cc companies didn't know that, you bounced the checks. Sounds like a personal finance issue to me.

  • mkr32208

    Your EXTREMELY lucky if your job even offers insurance anymore. If Genevie had taken the job at citibank and taken health insurance on just her and the kids she would have brought home less than 280 a week (she was making more on unemployment) then when you figure in gas and everything else we would have made what 175 a week? MAYBE? I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE YOU CAN'T LIVE ON THAT! Much less with two kids.

    We don't eat out EVER I don't remember the last time I was in a resturant! We don't go to the mall EVER. I'm wearing clothes that I bought YEARS ago. Yes I have internet that is all but you can't hunt for jobs anymore without internet so you HAVE to have internet. I have no "frills" in life. I don't have any new cars both are old and the pmts are around 250 apiece. It's crap.

  • lola28

    Did you know how much money you make when you purchased the vehicle? Did your income change after you purchased it? If not then no one is to blame but you, you purchased something which you can not afford and no one else is responsible for that! If you are having problems with your credit card companies EFT system then how bout you invest on some stamps and mail it in? Credit card companies are businesses they are not here to make your life or mine easier. If you can’t a minimum payment of $15.00 you shouldn’t be using a credit card.


  • wings
    BUSINESS is killing us not the government...

    Business runs the government.

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