For those that think that making a minimum payment is acceptable probably isn't doing that. If you did, you would not be so critical. I cannot imagine how painful it is to explain to your kids that you have to go to a food bank. It is humiliating to say the least.
It is sad to see so many people having to choose between debt or starving. Even though it is true to some extent that you are in control of your life and your finances, it is hard to predict the future. How many here knew that your home might be worth less now than what you paid for it a few years ago. It is a crapshoot. Almost everyone will buy their first home. You scrape a down payment together, and a year later the interest rates rise to unafforable levels and your down payment is flushed down the toilet. It is depressing to the max. Some may have considered suicide. It is a serious matter. To say it's totally everyones fault is a bit insensitive imo.
This is the downside to trickle down economics. No money in consumers hands means the Home Depots, and Wal Marts will have to lay off staff, causing a deep spiral. This is a serious setback for even the upper class.
I have no solution here. It will take time-perhaps a long time. I can only wish those who are suffering all the best in your recovery.
Here in the Vancouver area we are immune for now because of all the expenditures for the 2010 olympics and the steady stream of immigrants, but there is nervousness that we ourselves will suffer shortly after the olympics are long gone.