What is the motives of the GB?

by sweet pea 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mary
    "The brothers in Bethel/Headquarters seem very sincere and loving - what possible motive would they have in trying to deceive people, what do they get out of it?"
    Personally my answer would be power, as they do not seem to exactly raking it in but how would you answer?

    Power and control, IMO. While I'm sure there are many at Bethel who believe that this is "the Truth" and being guided by Jehovah, I don't believe that the Governing Body can still be this clued out. They are more than aware that their policies and doctrines are put in place by a 2/3rds majority vote, and not because the Holy Spirit was guiding them. They were made aware more than 30 years ago that Jerusalem was not destroyed in 607 BCE, but in 586 BCE, yet they've purposely kept this false doctrine in place and DF'd anyone who doesn't believe it, for the sole reason that it would upset the apple cart and their position as the 'F&DS'.

    It's one thing to teach something in error. It's quite something else to continue to teach false doctrines when it's been proven that they're built on sand and should have been dropped decades ago. While they may comfort themselves with the idea that the end justifies the means, how can they kid themselves by thinking that Jehovah approves of such underhanded tactics? In reality, they've become the 21st century version of the Pharisees, apparantely unable to see the delicious irony in that.

  • Mary

    Ooops....sorry, double post.

  • The Last Nephilim
    The Last Nephilim

    Without reading the other responses- here's mine. Maybe someone had a similar thought.

    Why do actors act? Often they play characters in movies that are nothing like the real them. Answer- $$$
    What motive does the GB have? They get a free place to live, free paycheck (small or not), no bills, and all they have to do is hang out in fancy buildings and make decisions that control 7 million people's lives like puppets. When you consider that the GB members are JWs with decades in the bORG and no formal education or professional skills, the payoff isn't bad!

  • Mariusuk.

    I personally struggle to believe that the GB actually really believe the crap they propogate but here is the catch.....they cannot admit to each other that they do not believe it for fear of losing their position which they have "worked" a long time to attain, plus to admit it means losing family, friends etc etc. They are essentially victims of their own trap. So you end up with a bunch of old men making up or revising old beliefs that they do not believe and this passes down the food chain all the way to grassroots where ironically exactly the same problems exist.

    Another thing to consider is money and trust me someone somewhere is creaming it up, skimming off the top. They have money coming in from all over the place, you do not have the capability to ru what is effectively a multinational corporation without serious money. What is the purpose of a huge successful company? To make even more money of course!

  • Blueblades

    I believe that there is no motive. I have come to accept what Don Cameron has explained in his book "Captives of a Concept" Anatomy of an illusion. The Governing Body is captive to a illusionary concept. An illusionary concept that holds all of Jehovah's Witnessses captive. Because of this, they continue to act in accordance with this belief that gradually takes over their discision making process and even their conscience without them realizing it.

    So, it is not about motive, it's about what and who molds their thinking. It is the belief that they are God's Sole Organization and have been appointed by Jesus to represent him as his Faithful and Discreet Slave in 1919. Some have broken free from this captivity, this illusionary concept.


  • Mariusuk.

    So BlueBlades do youbelieve that THEY seriously believe their own lies?? Collectively as a group maybe but individually? The GB re the policy makers, the story tellers. It would be like a parent believing in the fairy they have just imagined into a bedtime story for their 5 year old kid

  • M.J.

    It is entirely possible that they are taken in by the "concept" as much as anyone else in the org.

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