I never used to wonder about death, or what comes after, because I had all the answers! But now I really wonder, but not with fear....it feels odd, and I am curious. This planet and universe are so incredible and complex that to me it defies logic that someone must have had a creative hand it. Yet, I do not have a clue if he had purpose for man, and he sure does not seem to care what the heck happens to us. I was more comfortable knowing all the answers dang it!!!......................................................oompa
So just what or who DO you have faith in now?
by oompa 26 Replies latest jw friends
Open mind
Hi Oomps:
God In A Box was much more comfortable for me too.
As long as you're careful not to go thinking Outside The Box that works just fine.
Too late for both of us.
I don't worry about it any more. I try to cultivate in myself the qualities I respect in others. Regarding issues of this life, I have faith in my own abilities to deal with them. When necessary, I'll seek advice from people I respect. Regarding any afterlife, I don't have the resources to either prove or disprove any of it independently. I'll face that when the time comes. I've already spent too much time and resources worrying about an "afterlife" or "new system".
I figure the best I can do is try to live a healthy, happy, ethical life, and help others when I'm able.
Your philosophy sounds deistic.
I don't have faith in supernatural creatures any more. Is it faith to believe that when I plug in a lamp, and turn the switch, a light will come on? Is it faith to believe the sun will rise in the east the next morning? Then I have faith. Other than that, I'm more of a "see it to believe it" kind of guy. If I see enough documentation about something I don't know about, I'll usually believe that the documenters know what they're talking about. I don't know if that's really "faith".
I do not have a clue if he had purpose for man, and he sure does not seem to care what the heck happens to us.
I've learned through out all I've been through in my short 32 years of life, to just have faith in myself!!!!
I wish you'd seen this documentary, Oompa-
The second part in particular talks about how the universe became more complex over billions of years from much simpler beginnings. It was gradual and natural (with evidence to back it). It answers the question beautifully, whereas the (much more complex) creator needs explaining. I think it's on the torrents.
I have faith that if I use my parking brake in sub zero weather..It will freeze solid and immobilize the truck......If it wasn`t for God,we wouldn`t have parking brakes.......It`s in the Bible!.............
I totally agree with Finally-Free and Babygirl! I have faith in ME. Same as I did when I was a dub, only now my attention and energy isn't wasted on falsehood. My favorite quote I've seen so far on this board, and I'm not even sure who originally said it, says: "I'd rather have questions I can't answer than answers I can't question." And if there is any kind of afterlife, who's to say there has to be only one or possibilities...everything around us is quite diverse, isn't it plausible that death and an afterlife could be diverse as well?
I saw another quote on a completely different type of board yesterday that I thought was great, actually I caught myself laughing out loud at my desk, it said: "I go to heaven for the climate and hell for the company." -
The essence of my spirituality (if you will) is rooted too much in the present to worry about "what happens after death". I have faith that I will die - and will find out what that's like when it happens.
I think Nvr posted something about nature and love. The author said that he's an atheist, but he does believe in two things - Nature and Love. Nature is powerful, but not compassionate. Love is compassionate, but not very powerful.
I believe in Nature and Love. I trust them to act certain ways, so I suppose you could say I have faith in them.