If the end does not come in 10 years then...........

by TooBad TooSad 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    If the end does not come in 10 years then nothing is going to change. Here is my reasoning.

    In our Hall we have friends whose grandparents thought the end was coming in 1914 then in 1925.

    Well they died and still our friends believe the end is near. Our friends had parents who

    believed the end was coming in 1975. Well they died and still our friends believe the

    end is near. When my friends and I die of old age their children will still believe the end is near

    even though their great grand parents, grand parents, and parents thought the end was coming

    in thier life time and they did not see it. Only people who open their eyes and begin to think

    will begin to realize that they had better live in the present not in the future. All that we have is

    the present. We have been taught a lie and have believed in a pipe dream.

    TooBad TooSad

  • flipper

    TOO BAD, TOO SAD- Very good topic by you ! Good thread ! Sad to say a lot of truth in what you say .There are so many witnesses who are wasting their lives - not really living life in the here and now ! The witnesses have been " mind controlled " for so long on this subject of when the end is coming that they are like programmed robots believing anything it's creator (the GB ) programs them to believe . When one computer card doesn't work - the scientist - the GB just sticks another one in to replace the thought that didn't come true .

    Those that are able to escape this " mind control" only do so when they are influenced to think " outside the witness box " and consider things from a fresh , outside perspective , when they are influenced in a subtle way to re-connect with their real non- witness personality by being reminded of things that brought them joy outside the witness cult experience . To get them to this point takes effort, time , patience , and repetition to give these witnesses different brain waves to replace the witness thinking . Just some stuff I read in " Crisis of Conscience " by Hassan . I'm gonna keep trying with my witness daughter

  • primitivegenius

    nah there will be new light........... if the end dosent come by 2256.............. they all should have it pretty much narrowed down by then lol

  • Gregor

    Yes, the WTS has perfected the art of selectively refering to their old publications when it suits them and just as selectively ignoring past statements and positions that have proven to be hogwash.

  • restrangled

    Too bad, too sad, I love your post. I am from the teenage generation in 1975.....Forget it, it's not going to happen. My Grandmother thought she would live through it, I attended her funeral at age 13, my mother now 73 thought she would live through the great A and now admits it probably will not happen in her life time.......

    I lived my entire life thinking it was just around the corner.....Never thought I'd make it past highschool, after that, marriage, after that, seeing my kids grow up..... Please don't add 10 worried years to your life.....its a waste.

    Make plans, enjoy, plan a future.....10 years comes around very fast.

    Take care.


  • oompa
    TBTS: Only people who open their eyes and begin to think

    will begin to realize that they had better live in the present not in the future. All that we have is

    the present. We have been taught a lie and have believed in a pipe dream.

    I had this conversation with my parents (mid 60's) recently...reminded them that for well over a hundred years now we have been claiming "last days very close" and "millions now living will never die" and that they are all dead! And that my great grand parents who were recruited in 1918....are dead......and that my grand parents (special pioneer and could walk on water to me)........are dead..........and that I am getting ready for them, my parents..............to die........and that I have finally accepted my own mortality.........it was a brief conversation........oompa

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    They will just rework the same old doctrines over again , maybe change it up a little to make look like new light

    They are well practiced at that if you look back in their history , there is always someone new to take over the people that die off

    and there are hundreds of guys at Bethel that would like to take a seat at the GB's table for sure.

    Only people who open their eyes and begin to think

    will begin to realize that they had better live in the present not in the future.

    Well said Too Bad

  • jwfacts

    This is the key to brainwashing. Our beliefs are a mix of many, many related thoughts. The Watchtower inforces this by invading every aspect of life - how much you can drink, who you can talk to, what not to celebrate, which sex acts are ok. It is alot easier to ignore one discrepancy (ie the end still is not here) than to have to replace a belief structure entirely enmeshed with all your thought processes. It takes a big issue to make a person prepared to begin to contemplate the examination and process required to change.

  • Quandry

    When my friends and I die of old age

    I hope that you are not planning on that happening in the next ten years....

  • kerj2leev
    If the end does not come in 10 years then...........

    .......there's always another 10 years. They're like the Energizer bunny, they will keep going and going.....


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