Good evening JWD!!..I`ve got a mystery here,in the Canadian Wilderness.....I`ve found Tracks of a creature in the snow,I can`t identify.....It`s a bird of some sort..But..It`s Frigg`n Huge!!..It`s feet are as big as my hand..I`ve got a 100LB "Husky Dog" whose feet aren`t that big.....It has 5 toes..4 toes up front..And..1 in the back.....The 2 middle toes are the same length,the 2 side toes are smaller but also equal in length..The whole foot is a "V_shape,with a large toe at the back of the foot.......What the Hell kind of a Bird,has 5 toes and feet that Frigg`n Big???..LOL!!..................OUTLAW
..A Bird with 5 Toes..
by OUTLAW 28 Replies latest jw friends
Maybe it was this! Wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more
Did the track look like it had melted at all or were the edges still well defined? Sometimes the smallest of prints can melt to look like they were made by huge creatures. Would be cool as hell if it was a thunderbird tho!! :D just remember to look up a lot while you're walking in those woods! hehe
Shelli -
These tracks were fresh..Only a few hours old in subzero weather..Old tracks lose definition as the day goes on,especially in snow..These tracks were extremely well defined.....This is a very large bird..With 5 toes....What bird has 5 toes,with feet that big???.............
an ostrich or a thunderbird....seriously there's nothing that big that is documented. Take some pics! That would be cool as heck. post em on Coast to Coast am. Maybe there really is an unknown, yet to be classified species or large bird up there. Thunderbird sighting are almost entirely in North America. Seriously...take pictures i would LOVE to see them. Shelli
This is fascinating! Definitely try and get some pictures and make sure you scale them - ideally take out a tape measure you can place against them and perhaps get your dog's foot prints at the side.
Betweenworlds - I never know that there was an actual Thunderbird! I mean the car and the cheap apple wine, but not a legend of an actual bird. That is utterly fascinating. I'm reading up on the legends and its proved a total distraction to me, a very much needed one.
Warlock..I`m hoping there are some Hunters on the Board,that can Identify these unbelievably large bird tracks..I`ve never seen tracks this large before,made by a bird.....It lives in the mountains..In below zero weather..It must be incredibly large..And..I`ve never seen it!!..??????..
.............................Crumpet..My sister took a pic with her cell phone..I`m going to email her to see if she can print out a picture for me.....I was about to open the Ranch gate so she could drive back to civilization,when I found the tracks..It was very freaky.....I got on the internet to try to identify the tracks..No Dice!.....I went back to the tracks hours later and they had deteriorated......Ive got fresh snow this morning,maybe I can find some fresh tracks.....Yes,I`m bringing a Camera and Tape measure......I would love to find more tracks made by this creature..Better yet,to actually see it!..
Open mind
They're probably filming an episode of "Lost" in your area.
Watch your back OUTLAW!!
We do have Emus here in Canada
Probably, an eagle that drank while flying, and yawed when he should have pitched. Got blown off course, landed to get refreshments and directions.
Ps, Mm crumpet, thunderbirds were actually eagles.