All the stuff on that Kansas test is stuff you should be able to figure out today. Farm stuff? A "rod" is a survey unit still in use today...16 feet.
Figuring out the capacity of a farm wagon? The same arithmetic you use to figure out the volume of any container.
The reality is we dont teach kids anything these days. Math, science, English composition and grammer are non-existant in todays schools. I have raised several kids...what they learn in school passes for squat. I give the most basic dinner table quizes and end up teaching the basics at home. We have an 8th grader and the bulk of what little shool work he has to do is "worksheets". It doesnt look much better for the first grader we have either.
Folks my age just missed the "new math" fad of the 60's. We did have to learn the parts of speech, State history, Civics and how to make change out- of- hand without an electronic cash register.
My dad (class of 55) knew enough to work in a job that would require an "engineer" today. By the time he retired he found he was teaching "engineers" the basics of trig and geometry THEY didnt know how to do. The man has penmanship you could die for....they dont teach that today either.
The High shool I graduated from had just dropped Latin as a required subject the year before I started. That was a little River town in Tennessee. If you didnt get at least a year of Algebra you didnt graduate. And I knew some kids who toughed it out and stayed in after failing a couple of years.
America needs to wake up. We spend plenty of money on education... the issue in my mind, is the value of course content.