STILLA - Londontown was a good song. The album by the same title was very good as well
Favorite Paul McCartney & Wings / Paul McCartney Solo Songs and Albums
by flipper 67 Replies latest jw friends
I lost it when he joined Michael and did the song "this girl is mine" or something like it. YUK!!!!
Wasanelder Once
Rock Show from Venus and Mars... Love that song... W.Once
Ebony and Ivory with Stevie Wonder
"My Love" is my favorite by him.
WORLD TRAVELLER- I too thought Paul would have been better served avoiding Michael Jackson like the plague ! Especially when Jackson bought the rights to his songs. I hope Paul got those songs back from the perv !
WAS AN ELDER ONCE- Rock Show was a good song !
MS McDUCKET- Yeah! Ebony and Ivory was nice by Paul and Stevie Wonder . My Love is a classic as well ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper -
Magneto and Titanium Man
STILLA- Magneto and Titanium Man - I remember that off of the Venus and Mars album I believe ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Hate to disagree with a fellow fan, Flipper...
I hated, hated, hated Driving Rain. I saw him on his album tour for this one, and the three tracks from the album brought the show to a grinding halt for me. Especially "Freedom". If Lennon had been alive, he would have wet his pants from laughing so hard at the tune, the lyrics, and the very idea of that song.
I think he got too content during is "Heather" phase. Maybe all the strife in his life will wake up the muse again...
pipes of peace
tug of war
london town
deliver your children
with a little luck
no more lonely nights
i'm carrying
take it away
and the definative maybe i'm amazed is the one from wings over america...don't know how he did it...i'm so not worthy.
tijkmo of the not a huge fan class