Favorite Paul McCartney & Wings / Paul McCartney Solo Songs and Albums

by flipper 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    Okay, I've got Mull of Kintyre up on youtube. Nice bagpipes. I can see why this would not take off over here in the US. Maybe I'm Amazed it's not. Biggest seller of the 70's? It would have to be the UK.

    Here are two opposing opinions on YouTube:

    (3 months ago) Show Hide 0 Poor commentGood comment

    WTF , ok i am a huge beatle fan , love wings and all the beatles solo stuff esp George Harrison , but this is in my opinion (and its myn) that this is the worst tune put out by any beatle! Oh blah de oh blah da is better MonsieurMal (20 hours ago) Show Hide 0 Poor commentGood comment no, mate this is such a great song, if you go to the mull of kintyre you will understand why he wrote this song
  • tijkmo
    'drivel', like Avril Lavigne's

    hs surely you jest..

    i agree with pretty much all you said re - the beatles and their individual solo efforts..

    but in my opinion an artist of any kind will not be great always...and if amongst all their failures they come up with something of pure brilliance then it may well be worth it.

    george came up with 'something'

    john wrote a lot of rubbish too....but imagine was brilliant

    paul can be forgiven a lot for 'maybe i'm amazed'

    and ringo for all his poor songwriting ability and duff drumming will never be replaced as the voice of thomas the tank engine.

  • hillary_step


    This is one of my favorites :wink:

    Avril Lavigne - Dolphins

    Dolphins Are u
    Dolphins Are Me
    Dolphins Are everyone
    that includes you
    and me
    They love swimmming
    with people like you
    and me

    Dolphins live in the ocean
    Dolphins live in the sea
    Dolphins live in nice
    clear blue sea
    They are accompanied by a
    lot of sea animals

    We love them
    you love them
    I love them
    who doesn't like them

    give me a D
    give me a O
    give me a L
    give me a P
    give me a H
    give me a I
    give me a N
    then put it all
    together & what
    does it spell

  • hillary_step


    Mull Of Kintyre outsold any individual records ever sold by the Beatles, so it must be good. :wink:


  • lfcviking
    john wrote a lot of rubbish too....but imagine was brilliant

    Yes i have to agree with tijkmo here, i've got an album by John Lennon called 'onceuponatime'. I think this is worst peice of work he's ever done as a solo artist.

    Like i mentioned earlier, John & Paul were at their best IMO when they combined their talents and worked together in the Beatles.

    my two cents


  • hillary_step


    Like i mentioned earlier, John & Paul were at their best IMO when they combined their talents and worked together in the Beatles.

    Yes, I think that is a pretty fair summation. The two together made one passable songwriter.



    I loved the Beatles.....After they broke up..I didn`t care for them as solo artists.....Paul sucked..George sucked..Ringo really really sucked..John put out a few good tunes but mostly sucked...........Paul and John were best when they collaborated.......Ringo could be replaced at anytime with a trained monkey.......................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • flipper

    I agree with everyone here. Paul and John were at their best when they recorded together ! They did put out better stuff as a group as The Beatles - that being said they put out very decent stuff solo as well. But they put out a few clunkers too . All artists do at times. But the good outweighed the bad, in my opinion

  • tijkmo
    Mull Of Kintyre outsold any individual records ever sold by the Beatles, so it must be good. :wink:

    no hs you completely miss the point...

    the reason why mull of kintyre sold so well was not so much because of the song...

    but because it had bagpipes in it...

    which means that the bagpipes must be the best musical instrument ever

  • hillary_step


    no hs you completely miss the point...the reason why mull of kintyre sold so well was not so much because of the song...but because it had bagpipes in it...which means that the bagpipes must be the best musical instrument ever

    lol....You are getting as bad as I am these days, you abusive creature.



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