Elder's Wife Apologizes In Tears for Shunning Me Yesterday

by Seeker4 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • MissingLink

    It's very difficult being the executioner, but that's what the society expects from its followers.

  • Dismembered

    Greetings Seeker4,

    :but I imagine that there are times when deep in their hearts they really question what the WTS has taught them and requires of them.


    Thanks for sharing.


  • Seeker4

    Dave and Min - When I was writing that, I figured there'd be a couple of the "slower" ones here on the board who'd think she'd actually called me Seeker4, or that she might be a lurker! Should have known it would be you two.

    I was a remarkably ugly child, and failed to recover as I grew older. It was a lonely existence until the advent of the Internet and I discovered the "Hot Women Who Love Unusually Ugly Guys" websites. Since then, life has been good.

    I'm not sure if folks like that would ever do anything as far as leaving the WTS. I could forsee a few future events that might move them to step outside the WTS box. I think, no matter how smart some people are, and this woman is a way above average serious thinker, that the culture of being a JW makes it too hard to think about leaving.

    I just spent a week with an old friend whose sister is one of the artists you taught at Bethel, Dave. She's a smart woman, but as her brother told me, she'll never really talk about any of the things that concern her. Far too much invested in Bethel taking care of them as they approach retirement age to now start rocking the boat.

    S4 (not my real initials!)

  • Alex Delta
    Alex Delta
    I'm calm, but a bit concerned, half expecting her to blast me for leaving the Witnesses and leaving my wife, and to have her call me a few choice names as she told me what a disappointment I was to everyone. It was far from that.

    I am glad you kept your cool, awsome story. Now how can we invite her here?

  • hubert

    Looks like her blinders fell off for a moment, when walking back to the car.

    You were as cool as a cucumber, Seeker4. Best way to go.

    Maybe you should change your name to "cool cucumber 4"?


  • Maddie

    I am glad that she was able to break free from the borg mind-control enough to feel the need to opologise and speak to you. I felt emotional just reading your post because of the tragedy of what the borg has people behaving like.


  • flipper

    SEEKER 4 - I think you handled that in n excellent way guy ! It must have been amazing to see your old friends " authentic " real " non-cult " influenced personality come through with real human compassion for a brief time there ! It truly is a case of cognitive dissonance ! I hope your friend and her husband in time analyze things more deeply about the witness cult and totally shed the " cult mind control" they have been enslaved to all these years ! Good luck on that, but you did a great job ! Hang in there friend - I'm sure it brought out lots of deep hidden emotions within you . peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • minimus

    Seeker, I've always considered you a very sharp guy. I think the way you express yourself, your manner and style make you very likeable. For friends to just turn on you, well, I think it's harder for them than we might think....In the end they rationalize that they are doing it all for Jehovah God and are being loyal to His Organization. It's sad.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Touching story seeker4

    Somewhat of a crime against humanity that things like this have to happen and a darn shame , but just as a couple of people have said

    an accidental social situation like this at times can get people to start thinking what they are doing.

    And you seemed to have handled yourself very well.

    A little caution though and I'm sure your smart enough to know this

    Is friends and relatives that still are JWS can all of a sudden present you with an episode of love bombing

    with the attention of making you think to come back , its trite and phony of course but it does happen occasionally .

  • seven006


    Putting me in the same category as Minimus is just down right insulting. What did I ever do to you?

    Your friend’s sister isn’t the cute lady that had dark hair and married a much older than her Bethel brother far below her intellectual and physical grade is she? If she is, I remember her. I had drinks in their bed-closet/apartment. If I remember it correctly Dacaries seemed to be the drink of choice among the art department clan who could afford it and had a blender. To me it was like drinking frozen green tooth paste but I appreciated the thought. I would of liked to have introduced them all to 18 year old single malt scotch but that would have been just plain mean.

    Aaaaaaaa the good old days of sworn poverty.

    Take care and stop with the Minimus insults or I’ll give him your phone number.

    Big hug,


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