Pro jws look for information to support their organization,where do they look for this information,from their own organization.They will off handedly dismiss any infomation that do`s not have their organizations stamp of approval.Ex jws look for proof of information about your organization and research many areas to verify the accuracy of the information including your organization.We don`t just take somebodys word for it,just because they pretend to represent god or dislike your organization.The reason for this is we want the real truth not bullshit.That is how we can be sure we are making a wise and acurate decision.I am sure you already know this,so my question to you is ...why are you blowing smoke up our collective ass`s?...OUTLAW
Question about Accuracy & Persuasion
by troubled 21 Replies latest jw friends
Cialdini is the biggest genius in the profession right now.
Study his work.....look at how the influence factors are applied in advertising, religion and politics. The look at the JW's.....
Others credit Ray Franz for opening their eyes...I credit Cialdini...his work completely changed the way I see the world. I cannot ever look at it like a sheep again. I mean this very sincerely.