Think about this and close your eyes...think about what it is to have NO existence for ALL existence..and NOTHING for ALL existence...notice how u cannot have both at the SAME time LOL! That is crazy! That means if there was NOTHING for all existence..then it HAS to remain that way..and even if some particles or energy exploded to give life to earth and the STILL does not make sense to BELIEVE that a explosion can design HUMANS OR ANIMALS...thats just like saying i am gonna get a another house out of a explosion! Wait...u mean i can get a PERFECTLY designed house out of TNT! LOL Should i go on?? Let me go monkeys evolved into humans who can TALK NOW..but millions of years ago we were DUMB and had to survive in the wilderness! LOL Is there ANY recorded HISTORY of such a EVENT?? I,ll wait the day we humans turn into Aliens! LOL Satan is really ALIVE! Evolution is the biggest HOAX! How Insane to believe such a thing!
I sent this to every working biologist, anthropologist, paleontologist, and professor of science and they've all come back to me and admitted that they now realise they have been completely wrong about absolutely everything for their entire careers. Dr. Richard Dawkins (MA, D.Phil, D. Sc.), the Charles Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science at the University of Oxford had this to say:
"I can't believe I've wasted my whole distinguished career writing award-winning books like The Selfish Gene, The Blind Watchmaker, The Extended Phenotype, River Out of Eden, and Climbing Mount Improbable detailing the specific processes at work in evolution, the step-by-step ways that complex life-forms can come about through a gradual process of natural selection and the experimental and observational evidence supporting these theories, when all along the answer was staring me in the face. You can't get a house from TNT, and therefore evolution is impossible. It's so obvious now. Satan must have blinded me. Bugger!"
Dr. Donald C. Johansen, the paleoanthropologist who discovered the female hominid australopithicene known as "Lucy" and director of the Institute of Human Origins replied:
"Based on the detailed skeletal analysis conducted by the foremost experts in the field and subjected to three decades of rigorous peer review, we had concluded that Lucy was a possible ancestor to humans, an upright-walking species of ape unlike any now existing, with many clearly transitional features, but after reading 'LOL Is there ANY recorded HISTORY of such a EVENT??' I realize that of course there isn't. Lucy was probably a young girl with rickets or something and she died in the Flood. How utterly stupid of me and every other scientist in the world to ever think otherwise. Thanks for opening my eyes Blackboo".
Several scientists even came back and said that, having been to Australia and not fallen off, they have concluded that the world must in fact be flat.