science even says that had not the dinos gone extinct then the mammals would not have had their turn to rule the earth . Score one for odd coincidence .....
To all those who support Evolution EXPLAIN this....
by Blackboo 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It seems some people try to limit God Yahweh in His creative abilities. It is perfectly clear to me using my knowledge of who is God Yahweh that we evolved by evolution . The problem is with twisted human mind that doesn't see that all we see in this universe is the work of God's power and his arrangements .
For evolution to take place there had to be God Yahweh working behind it .
Evolution fits perfectly to recognize the Omnipotence of God Yahweh. He creates and guides each ane every single snofake that you see when you look out of the window. How many of them in just one place you choose to observe .
God is always invisible as He has no end in space ! How can we see God ? We can understand Him who He is by revelations of His power in multitude of ways . We cannot and will never be able to prove God's existence scientifically then and yet it will be obvious to those saved God Yahweh exists.
By extraordinary revelations people could recognize God exists.
How ?
For instance I am going to work today and had a vision from God when on my way I will see 5 dogs barking on the roof of house at 2344 17th St .Then I will see three cats crossing the road at 111 St and R St and then a piece of broken glass will fall on me from a near passing car Ford yellow color and registration number will 23455677 . And down the road I will see two policeman riding on white and black horses and I will see an old man who is 87 years old waving to me and saying the words can you stop by and bring me my two brown bags and one red bag into my house to the 3rd floor .
If all these things happen exactly as the voice of God had told me - on the same promised morning when I am riding to workd I can rest assured God Yahweh exists . So , we have here a circumstancial evidence that cannot be denied. It happened to me but it doesn't have to happen to you which will not mean God Yahweh doesn't exist !
I know a nice girl Hanna but you can choose to believe my words or not . If you want proof I will not give you any and not allow . Will it mean Hanna I mean doesn't exist?
The same with God there were people who witnesses ,experienced His presence and what if it true but you don't believe in God ?
Can you prove me that man landed on the moon ?
Can you prove me where helium and nitrogen come from .What was in the place you stand before this universe was created ?
Or imagine you shoot straight into the universe and ball is going straight all the time where will it end ?
Either you believe the universe has end or it does not . If it has end what is beyond it farther ? If no end how in the world it cannot have the end ?
So, the point is here we must rely on our reasoning and believe to accept something can be unlimited in space and it has to so as I could ask al the time what lies beyond the universe or what was at the very beginning and I could go on and on . We must believe in eternity and infinite.And God Yahweh fits this description with His revelations of His power.
Tyrone van leyen
Who said anything about a creator? God is God, we are all God. the universe is God. The alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the end. Can you really call the notion of breathing, "creation." ? It always was and always will be. Yes creation always renews itself ,but if it had no begining and is eternal, then creation is not an issue. It always was and always will be, because it is. It is a part of the eternal infinite expereince that will never end. Does that help Mincan? I specualted that the big bang was caused by an outward thrust of God dismembering himself into different forms of consciousness. If time is infinite, then creation is not an issue. Only in the evolutionary sense. Yes, evolution is the process of creation, but not in the sense of a beginning. The bigger picture, is eternal and tries all possibilties by starting over again under the micro process of creation. The macro process is the universe collapsing on itself. But it starts over. So creation is not an issue because all things are eternal.
I declined to reply to the other thread because I knew that if I gave a concise and detailed reply there (which would take me quite a while to form), the same or similar questions would come up only days later, so it's no use.
Well, whadda'ya know... Didn't think it would be by the same poster, though.
Anyway - I hope Blackboo is parodying creationists. I know the location says 'Texas', but really. Parody or not, it's getting old already though.
The creationist concept of evolution can't explain much and is illogical, that's correct. Actual evolution theory can explain lots of things and is logical.
I 'was' Blackboo 15 - 20 years ago though, so I guess I shouldn't be too harsh. Read a book or two. It helps.
Could it be that that the energy originates with GOD??? Since he is Eternal?? Thats the only explanation. And what does matter and energy have to do with creating humans and animals on THERE OWN?? LOL.
Your first 2 statement are statements of opinions and have no factual evidence backing them up.
Could it be that that the energy originates with GOD???
- Why did they have to originate? again you are forming an opinion which isn't based on available evidence that the natural state is nothing ness, so then YOU need to god to invent it.
Since he is Eternal
Again a personal opinion with no factual evidence at all.
Thats the only explanation
Again a statement based on personal opinion showing a complete lack of knowledge to available evidence.
But you did indeed save the best for last
And what does matter and energy have to do with creating humans and animals on THERE OWN?? LOL.
Hmmm everything, Matter and energy is no us. The problem is that you original posts, clearly shown you havn't the slightest grasp on how science relates to us, and what available evidence there is . This has to rank as one of the dumbest creation claims i have ever heard.
If you want to challenge evolution and believe me, far more informed people have tried, then read up and study the field before making statements that amplify your own misunderstanding. What does Energy/Matter have to do with evolution ..LMAO
Boo - Knowledge is Power. Read a book. You really are embarrasing yourself.
On the other thread we tried to give you some pointers, but you didn't even grasp the simplest concept that "Evolution" has nothing to do with existence/non-existence. That is an entirely different subject (big bang). Really - move along and come back with an intelligent argument.
I'll give you a head start so you don't get shot down so quick next time. Think through the counter-arguments before spouting off. If you believe that the big bang being kicked off would be a mystery without a god to do the kicking, then consider where did god come from? Another mystery huh. So you'll be replacing one mystery with another. Are you OK with that. If so - why? I'm smart enough to admit that I can't conclusively answer this one.
Now here's the process - READ, THINK, POST, READ REPLIES, THINK, REPEAT. So far you're only doing the POST step.
Oh for the love of god ...........
a) Your argument is based on an idea that nothing happened for ........well eternity then "poof" one day out of the blue a Universe appears. Now while I can see how this would screw with your noodle it is a flawed argument. Time is part and parcel OF the universe, there is no "before" the universe, just as there is nothing after you reach "the edge of the universe".
b) As you cannot get your head round this concept you view it as impossible and therefore give the credit to God
c) You should therefore have the same issue with God, where did god come from? If He had been around forever then why choose any particular time to start making things like universes out of the blue? That makes no sense.....have a REAL good logically think about this
d) Evolution is a FACT, I get sick of explaining this to people who clearly do not have the education to comprehend it, it is not an idea or a musing it is a FACT. It happens all the time, why do you think you get ill? Because viruses EVOLVE, and before you say it we can see evolution in these organisms because they reproduce extremely fast therefore the evolution occurs faster. The theory part which you creationists harp on about is to do with HOW evolution occurs.
e) A few thousand years ago people did not know what the sun was, so they called it a god and worshipped it, we now know obviously that it is a really really big ball of hydrogen and helium. Science does not have all the answers but just because we do not understand something does not mean we should insert God into the equation to answer the puzzle, it is far better to get off our collective butts and actually try to figure it out
A few thousand years ago people did not know what the sun was, so they called it a god and worshipped it, we now know obviously that it is a really really big ball of hydrogen and helium. Science does not have all the answers but just because we do not understand something does not mean we should insert God into the equation to answer the puzzle, it is far better to get off our collective butts and actually try to figure it out