If you read my posts on some usenet groups you may know now what I am going to write. There is no contradiction between creation and evolution when we speak about the evolution of life .The only thing scientists may be missing is they don't see God Yahweh as working the evolution processes throughout the whole history of earth we are living now. It is simply disregard of who really is God Yahweh - God of the Bible.
And the main reason could be misunderstanding of the Bible . We can see the work of God in snowflakes we see with our bear eyes ! He creates the c;ouds and gives raindrops and guides them to the very end ! And do an ordinary man notices that ? He can take this as natural phenomenon and that's it .
We are now living in the times when the understanding of the Bible reaches the higest imaginable levels as it had been predicted in Daniel 12.4 and unfortunately most people have no idea what is going on though we live in the time of the fastest communication like internet .
The account of creation that is given in Genesis 1 is totally commonly misunderstood !
The Bible is the most difficult book to understand in the world and quite rightly as it is the expresssion of the infinite mind of God Yahweh. No wonder so many people were trapped in the understanding of the Bible and they take many words of the Bible literally and are stick blindly to their understanding while the words of the Bible can mean something totally opposite or different !
One of the best examples of that is the way people take Genesis 1 ! It has been happening for ages !
What we read in Genesis 1 is a description of the vision of the creation God Yahweh gave to Moses on the Mount Sinai for 6 or 7 days which were literal 24-hour days Moses spent on the mount !
How can you show a 15-minute video of how you built your house in 10 years to your child ? You will use some fragments of how you were building and use simple wording to explain things to your small child .You can put it in fable form to make it understandable to your child.
In God's case the reason could have been another one also as God Yahweh is God that hides himself for a reason to prove many things as He is the Wisest being much more wise than atheists who cannot see Him and want proof for God's existence.
Why there were miracles back then in ancient times but now we don't see such miracles any more ? This doesn't mean God doesn't exist but it means something else and we are to search for it like for the hidden treasures in earth .
How old is the universe according to the 6-day account that is in the Bible in Genesis 1 ?
We must have the right understanding of God from the Bible to attempt to calculate the age of the universe.
The formula is based on the understanding of the Bible :
6 days x 7000 years for each day x 360 days in a prophetic year x 1000 years for each day = ? More than 15 billion years !
How much scientist say ? Approximately the same age !
I am telling you the evolution is according to the Bible if God is in that evolution ! And sure He is without a shadow of a doubt ! HalleluYAH !
Praise to God Yahweh the Almighty and All-Wise Creator through His Beloved Fist-Born Son Yahshua the Messiah forevermore .Amen .