Those who do not believe in intellient design and creation is brain dead!!

by Blackboo 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MissingLink

    You convinced me Boo! I wish all them others what is brain dead round these parts would cum round sos wed all just have a great big-ole party!


  • Gopher
    haha i got all you SHOOK! My errors are on PURPOSE!

    Oh, we're all shaking in our boots. LOL. Are your logic errors also "on purpose"?

    lol..good try in using that to STeer from my question...

    You didn't even ask a question. You made an unsubstantiated claim about brain activity, and you didn't even spell it correctly.

    i am still waiting...were not all of you Jehovah's Witnesses at one point and believed in GOD..what happened..just because the Watchtower is a false religion should not change your mind..

    It doesn't matter what we were. What matters is that we have grown. It appears you have not, you troll and spammer.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    I've just come up with a new theory! For some that may doubt my origal threory. I am in agreement with intelligent design. Why, because there is intelligence manifest, and a design. I just don't think God sits as a whole, in omnipotence at this point, and in a sense he must die too, as a whole, with the big crunch. Blackboo has now reworded his question and is thinking more clearly. Nonthless, calling people braindead, is still trolling brother Boo. Their is no need for name calling.

    Going back to my original thesis where I proposed that you can get something from nothing, I suspect some of you did not like the part, wherin I used circular logic to explain why things continue to repeat themselves eternallly. I used circular logic because we are talking about a macro cycle of renewal. Renewal of the universe! It is circular itself, because the cycle starts over and does the same thing again from the" beginning."

    Remember, that two negative charges put together, make a positive one. Well, when the universe collapses into a singularity and "nothing exists" anymore, If nothing exists in the form of just two negative charges, then the universe will indeed have a new begining. Consider it the simplest form of the universe like the simplest form of life, in micro evolution.( A one celled amoeba.) It proves that one cannot exist without its opposite because the universe has to have both sides and cannot contradict itself. The opposite of Nothing is something. They coexist! I know that sounds whacky but if you turn a light on, the darkness disappears. But it didn't! Darkness still coexists. For when you turn the lite on, it reappears. It is indeed a mystery.

    I suppose I'm more philosophical, than mathematical. So I leave my ideas open to scrutiny.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    What if Blackboo is really AlanF?

  • crashfire451

    "My god I just noticed he is from Texas it all makes sence (sic) know (sic)."

    Me thinks those that live in Oklahoma houses shouldn't hurl grammatical insults.

  • Shawn10538

    I have a alittle bit of a problem accepting advice from someone who does not have subject-verb agreement down. That's just me though.

  • fifi40


    If your version is right why do we have the same number of ribs????

  • Tuesday

    Where's the laughing and rolling on the floor emocon? God took a rib from Adam and made Eve.... you're right I can't believe I've agreed with Evolution all this time... it's been right in front of me. God took Adam's rib, EVERYTHING IS SO CLEAR NOW! I CAN DIE HAPPY KNOWING THE ANSWERS TO LIFE'S GREAT QUESTIONS!!!

    I keep trying to come up with a good rebuttal, but does this post even merit that?

  • inkling
    I keep trying to come up with a good rebuttal, but does this post even merit that?

    I think that question has been clearly settled on the side of "no".

    Blackboo seems to be good for a few laughs, but not much else.


  • Gill

    Yes, they IS! (not)

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