Those who do not believe in intellient design and creation is brain dead!!

by Blackboo 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • karvel

    Blackboo will you please stop spamming the f**king board with your crap? this is like your seventh thread on the same goddamn bullshit.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Isn't this a oxymoron a Blackboo thread and intelligent design

  • Mariusuk.

    The usual poor logic displayed by the ame idiot post after post

    This one is a cracker

    a) Men have one less rib than women

    b) The bible says god took a rib from man and made woman

    c) Therefore clearly the creation tl is validated

    Of course someone with a scarp of common sense would think "whoever wrote genesis (Moses allegedly) noticed men has a rib less than women and gave him a novel explanation for the cretion of women". This particular argument is similar to the "The proof of god's existance is the existance of the universe" one the same poster used on another lame post

  • JK666

    Is Blackboo related to Aleman? They probably have the same DNA since their family tree is a twig.


  • mkr32208
    Men have one less rib than women

    No they don't thats stupid, they both have 12 pairs...

    This whole idea is based on the idiotic idea (well to anyone but a christian) that since Adam lost a rib all his progeny would lose a rib... So when they removed your brain blackpoo did that automatically mean that any children (invisible harry potter in the sky forbid) that you have will ALSO be lacking a brain? Or if you got your thumb stuck in your ass while feeling around back there and it had to be amputated would your children be born thumbless? So why would Adams kids be born without a rib just because he lost one?

    If your not careful there going to have to amputate your head cause you've got it so deep it's never going to come out of there!

  • brinjen

    That's what I love about this board it's always good for a laugh.

    So who made God then?

  • Anti-Christ
    So who made God then?

    Satan of course.

  • jgnat

    Blackaboo, I really do think you are a troll. You haven't even bothered to respond to the questions raised in your first thread.

    Yet you start another?

  • BurnTheShips

    This guy is a troll. No one is that stupid.

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open


    What we read in Genesis 1 is a description of the vision of the creation God Yahweh gave to Moses on the Mount Sinai for 6 or 7 days which were literal 24-hour days Moses spent on the mount !

    On what basis is this claim made, please?

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