It's not's a damn good marriage is about to end...

by oompa 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    I just dont think I can take it wife of 11 years is such a great gal... but we are just not connecting anymore......OTWO says hang in she may come around and WAKE UP!!!....but the extreme differences in our lifes are starting to take a toll...and may be making me want to drink too much.....I should not need to self medicate like this!!!.....soooooo wish I had never woken up or could just deal with the real truth....what a rock to my world.......nothing will be the same.................................................oompa

    and I am watching a My Morning Jacket concert on dvd with my 20 year old son....Awesome..Neil Young reborn!....we hope to go to bonarroo this summer.......we play guitar and love music......but so far he will not go with me and his 22 year old df'd brother, who is in a kickass band as a drummmer....and he always goes to bonnarroo......................................oompa.........DV come with us and I willl get an RV!!!

  • faundy

    Sometimes admitting that you need to call it a day, though, takes more guts than sitting in an uncomfortable marriage forever.

    You need to sort the drinking out, though. For yourself, if it's too late for your marriage.

    Hope you're OK.

  • cognac

    wow, oompa, I'm so sorry your going through this... The not feeling connected part, yeah, wow, I feel ya... I'm so sorry... It totally sucks... I feel so sad that you have to go through this... I know the pain must be unbearable...

  • oompa
    Faundy: Hope you're OK.

    No and I dont want a bunch of frkking ((((___))))))'s Thank you for them in the past but do NOT want them....I need a kick in the ass......I sooo wish I could just start to enjoy the REAL life........but am stunted for some reason.....I do not have the direction to move on after learning the TRUTH about he TRUTH....remember....I was born in............4th gen............oompa

  • NewYork44M

    We are here for you Oompa.

    If you need to talk to a "been there done that" let me know.

  • faundy

    What do you want? If nobody said anything caring you'd say we were all unfeeling bastards.

    We can't win.

    Put the bottle down.

  • oompa

    Damn I am crying sooooooooooooooooooooo bad now.......... my 20 year old son wants to know whate the hey is going on with me.......what a FFFUUUCCCCKKKUUPP!!!!,,,,,,,,,,,,soooooooooooooo wish you or I had the answer..............oompa.........he deserves s00000000000000 much better


    Oompa..I think your past the Hugs..And..The Kick in the Ass!..LOL!!..Do you really need to be kicked in the ass?..It gets old,just like the over drinking...Just get your life together now..That will put an end to your over drinking..If you do stuff,you want to do now..You won`t want to over drink..Besides it`s not a good example for your kids.....What you do,really does affect your Kids..Whether their Adults or not............Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW


    One more thought Oompa..If your drinking right now..Stop..Your a big boy..Grab A bottle of water or some juice..Time for you to take responsibility for your actions.....Your Kids don`t deserve a f*cked up Dad..Your the only one who can help them with that...........Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • momzcrazy

    Do you really want a kick in the ass?

    You are still letting the borg control you. Yes, it is a shitty deal. Get over it. You are too young to call it quits. If you're not happy in your marriage then leave. Get an apartment and start over. If you choose to stay shut up and make the best of it.

    Go to bonaroo with your son. Your other son is missing out, that's his problem and choice. Enjoy yourself there, give your son great memories with his dad.

    Be a grown man. You are letting the past kill you. Use it to become stronger. Stand up, tighten up your chin strap, and get on with the rest of your life. Show your sons what a real man can do.


    tough love stinks

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