It's not's a damn good marriage is about to end...

by oompa 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    COGNAC- You have nothing to apologize for friend. You have been the sweetest person replying to OOMPA on this thread - woman or man ! I'm all for equal rights opportunity when it comes to complementing ! And you deserve a complement ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • JK666

    Bizzy Bee,

    You should know, isn't it dark and smelly up there? And do you always need to scream, Ms. Bold?


  • oompa

    Happy Dad: The man definitely needs professional help.........not half assed.....feel good words from well meaning friends.

    HD, I have been getting very professional help for two years.....but it has not helped ANY!

    I really hope the day comes when Oompa is clean and sober and looks back on these posts to see how insane he is and how his so called friends thought they were being helpful to him.......but in their unknowing (about alcholism) minds....they did him more harm than good.

    HD, I may have insane humor, but am not insane, how I don't know as my "awakening" has really been hard on me, family, even the poor elders and congregaton....nothing is the same. I feel just about every bit of advice to alcholics and not, was excellent and right on the money! It has inspired me, at least for one day.

    Let him go dammit. Let him self-destruct if if he won't even listen to who is trying to help!

    Happy Dad, this does not sound real happy! I don't know how poster here a JWD can do anything but "let me go dammit? No one can stop anybody on a board like this. Maybe that is why I have self-destructed many many times the last two years.

    Right now......and even in his previous posts.........all Oompa wants is an audience. Everyone is trying to help but he doesn't want help. He wants a magic wand to solve the problems that he is bringing on himself. That is not possible!

    HD, sorry but you are way off base on this one....I need support, ideas, understanding comments from people who are just like me in many ways.....I I want an audience I can juggle pretty well on a street corner downtown!! And yes, please send me the magic wand!

    Quite frankly........he is wearing thin on this board. Maybe that is my own opinion, but I know there are others who agree the same!

    Happy Dad, you really don't sound too happy. I am no saint, but pull no punches, and hope I am not wearing out too many on the board, cause now more than ever I truly feel loved by many here a vice vera. Geeze even Outlaw has quit busting my chops everyday!! If ol oompa can pull it together Happy Dad you might be proud of me soon!.

    HappyDad .............................................................................................................................................oompa

  • FreedomFrog

    If ol oompa can pull it together Happy Dad you might be proud of me soon!.

    I just wanted to make sure that you become proud of yourself first. Others being proud of you can come later and shouldn't be the determining factor of your happiness. Remember, you are your first best friend if you allow yourself to become one. Learn yourself first and become committed for you to you.

  • BizzyBee

    Bizzy Bee,

    You should know, isn't it dark and smelly up there? And do you always need to scream, Ms. Bold?


    Nah, screaming is all CAPS. Lots here do Bold. Easier on the old eyes. If that's all you've got, I shall declare victory and retire for the night.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll
    They learn from you..Is this how you want them to behave when they have a crisis?.....You`ve got to shape up Oompa,or your going to f*ck your kids up!..Is that what you want?..Your their example,what are you going to do for "them"?.....

    OOMPA---Sorry to hear you are having a hard time, with your marriage. I got a divorce, I know what

    you are going through. You need to stop drinking, you can mess up your liver. Do you love your children?

    Then you need to take care of yourself. We are all here for you. Hang in there.

    Bumble Bee is right you need Professional help. Why don't you go to a Marriage counselor.

    Its worth a try.

  • JK666

    Maybe having everything in bold just proves you are a pretentious twit?


  • oompa

    Cognac, this was going to just be a reply to your last pm, but wanted other friends here to hear this. You and others here who ever gave poor oompa the ((())) or lately cared enough to bust my chops have stirred something in me. (creeps me out but what if your prayer worked somehow!!)

    I have said this site is therapy, and as I read line after line the things written to me, it gradually had an effect. I started to have just a stirring of conscience and then confidence. Other people here taken their lives back...I can do it...I HAVE to do it! It has had an effect on me, and I have re-read the entire post a few times, which started off as a sad thought my marriage may be heading for divorce...but then it really changed direction and forced me to consider a much bigger problem in life than my marriage. I think that JWD has POWER in positive manner of some sort. This is a tight and powerful community, that would not exist as it does, if not for our similar life altering experiences. I am so glad I found it and people like you, especially right now.................thanks so much............oompa...never expected this!

  • LouBelle

    Yeah you can take you life back Oompa - you just have to choose it - I believe you will choose life.

    Keep the positive creative thought process up.

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