For anyone thinking of having kids with a JW..

by avishai 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • avishai

    PLEASE do not reproduce with a JW!! Growing up JW sucks big time. Out in the cold in service, out in the heat in service, 30 hours a week of meetings, service, prep, family study (at least) on top of homework, chores, limited access to friends, getting dragged in front of a JC every time a stupid rumor comes up, constant pressure to "narc" on your friends, no extracurricular activities, no higher education, having to hate everyone not a JW etc, having to kiss ass to anyone who has abused you/screwed you over if you don't have "proof"... Any more reasons?

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    If you love children, you would not do that to them.

    I would say don't do it.

  • dinah

    Amen, Avi, amen.

  • lonelysheep

    After having almost put my kids through being raised jw's, I must say that is a good post. Questions of what their life would be like came up and I never felt quite right about putting them through that (all you described). I wasn't raised that way and knew they'd be missing out on things that the WT made out to be so horrible and life-damaging even though I KNEW they weren't!! Not being able to enjoy life is damaging.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    It would be a form of child abuse to do so !

    I know cause I was one of those children !

  • 4mylove

    Avi, I wish you knew how much that just hit home.....


    I actually shudder to think what my kids not only MISSED OUT on but what they WENT THROUGH.

    My daughter told me recently how terrified she was of demons. I taught my child to be be afraid.

  • avishai

    Raising a little girl without all of that BS is soo much fun. No having to go outside the class for holiday parties, No guilt like "kids who do____will die at armageddon, no stupid "armageddon" drills, no "Scooby Doo is demonized, so is bewitched, etc., etc." No, "You can't hang out with mary, she's (insert any religion or lack of here that is'nt JW)etc.

  • 4mylove

    There is exactly on thing keeping me from wanting to have a family. It is just that fact. Hubby and I had the conversation briefly after I got back from letting another man investigate down there for the yearly catch up...sorry couldn't help it. I told him I had informed my gyno yet again that we weren't ready but maybe in a few years. My hubby, to my shock said, "a few years?"

    I, being a woman felt the tears coming on, so i reminded him that there a quite a few things we need to work out before we even approach the subjet. He said he understood.

    I don't think I'll proceed until I see a glimmer of hope that he is done or at least questioning. Just couldn't do that to a child.


  • cognac

    Avishai ~

    I really wants kids... Sooooooooooooooo bad...... I don't think hubby will ever leave the borg... What am I supposed to do, give up my dreams or give a horrible life to my kids??? I couldn't bring kids into this world knowing to begin with there lives will be horrible...

    They are taking my life away from me...

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