PLEASE do not reproduce with a JW!! Growing up JW sucks big time. Out in the cold in service, out in the heat in service, 30 hours a week of meetings, service, prep, family study (at least) on top of homework, chores, limited access to friends, getting dragged in front of a JC every time a stupid rumor comes up, constant pressure to "narc" on your friends, no extracurricular activities, no higher education, having to hate everyone not a JW etc, having to kiss ass to anyone who has abused you/screwed you over if you don't have "proof"... Any more reasons?
You articulate so well how childhood is for a JW. Something you wrote really stood out in my mind, as I remember seeing some JW friends of ours when we were all teenagers making out on the school bus. I remember going home and telling my brothers about it and being forced to tell on them. It was horrible. So many issues fell on that family after that. Both of the boys were kicked out of the house, they lived in their car for a while, then one of the boys, I will call him "Ken" got a girl pregnant, so his parents took both the sons back in. I don't think either son completed high school or both got their GEDs. Well, one day the son "Ken" was working on his car and the car fell on top of him and killed him. The other son, let's call him "G" was in a horrible accident that nearly killed him and affected his brain functions to this day.
So much telling on each other, sometimes lying on each other, the spiritual cliques and everything else. The backbiting, the fury of not being able to pick your own friends. I remember it well.