by tula 58 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tula

    They will be taught to believe that those of us who are not willing to take the mark of unity have a "lower consciousness". They will be taught that we are NOT WORTHY because we are not willing to accept the new light.

    This New light comes from the scrolls that have been found. It will be a message of "unity" so as to accomplish their purpose of a peaceful utopia of the New Paradigm.

    They are not to help us, only to teach us some stupid prayer. That is all the help they will give.

  • tula

    I can't see them giving up their "unique name" no matter what they find out. They will try

    to hide this knowledge so they can continue to be Jehovah's Witnesses IMO

    Love and hugs,



    There is a scripture where the disciples asked Jesus more questions about the end and he said something like "there's a lot I could tell you but it would be too much for you to bear." I know exactly how he felt.

    What I have given you all in the first post is the BIG picture.

    You know, that with WTS the "new light" comes on very gradually. Now that you all have stepped away you can finally see it. Those who are still in can't.

    Take for instance the doctrine change. All of you are shocked about it. But those who are in act like it's no big deal. There was no big announcement about the new change. It was just a few words embedded in a paragraph. Very non-descript. In a few months they will believe the doctrine has always been that way. They will say "it has always been so; it was not just clarified." They will never see it as a huge significant change (flip flop) like the rest of you do. They are deeply under thought control.

    I expect sometime in the next few months they will announce that the new scrolls have been found.

    They will keep people on the edge of their seat coming back to every meeting.

    They want to know what has been found in the new scrolls.

    No longer will it be the terror of Armageddon preached. It will be "New Light to save Humanity" . It's on the way!

    The info about god's name has been lost...will not come until much much later in the game. They will not hear that for a few years. They have a lot of conditioning to go through before that comes up.


  • JK666


    Seriously, are you feeling okay? I am afraid that you may be off your meds. Please get checked out.


  • Dead Man Joaquin
    Dead Man Joaquin

    Do you have anything to back this up, or is it just speculation? I have often wondered if scenarios similar to this will occur within the WT to usher in the NWO religion. After all, if Illuminist groups such as the Freemasons are as heavily invested in the WT as has been rumored, would there be a better religion to attempt a dry-run for this sort of thing to observe the results before going global with it? It would not surprise me one bit if the WT is just one big experiment in mind-control techniques by "the hidden hand".

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  • myelaine

    dear tula...

    Satan is subtle...there is nothing subtle about what you are suggesting...besides...he has the WBTS where he wants them already...lost and confused!

    with the plethora of "religions" and new age thought...the concern is now teaching people to lose the mark of the beast(embracing /receiving) and take the mark of God.

    if not...And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name. Rev. 14:11.

    love michelle

  • funkyderek


    I know there's little point arguing with you, but in a year or so, when this prediction hasn't come true - and it definitely won't - can you promise me you'll consider professional therapy? It would be even better if you tried it now, because by the time your predictions start to fail you may be too wrapped up in your delusions to even consider the possibility that you're wrong. Hopefully, you're not yet beyond help.

  • tula
    Do you have anything to back this up, or is it just speculation?

    Acts 2:17

    17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

  • minimus

    Tula, do you have mental problems? Seriously, I just want to know if there's something very seriously wrong with you. Or maybe you're just funnin' with us, huh? That's gotta be it!

    If in fact there are new scrolls, I just want you to know that I think I also have found some and I will post them here for everyone's edification.....Stay tuned.

  • minimus

    I have found those scrolls!!! Interestingly they bear the name MINIMUS in very large letters!

    In The SCROLL OF MINIMUS there is a writing that I have deciphered. Here's what it says, in part: " And in the days of the those times, the True God will bless his people and they will indeed be plenty. And He will see to it that the riches of the earth shall be theirs. And God will wipe out every tear and sighing and crying will disappear and the old will be young again and the wild beast will be but as a memory. And the Harlot will fight with the Seed of MINIMUS but the Seed will beat the teat of the great whore and all men will stand and be erect and bless the name of Minimus. And then the evildoers will cower in fear because their time has finally come and they shall be torn asunder by the big sword of MINIMUS. But then sudden darkness will occur and those now without a name will be ridiculed for they left their God behind and stopped following His people for His Name. And the Great MINIMUS will destroy all those in the area of Tula and Sodom and all the evil that exists will be a thing of the past and Tula and her inhabitants will eat the dung of the Generals and mighty armies of MINIMUS. And they will KNOW the Name of MINIMUS and will fall down onto their knees and bless HIM".

    That's what I've been able to decipher so far....

  • heathen

    tula- just wondering if you are claiming to be a psychic or is this an attempt at prophesy . To me there is a difference as I don't believe in the psychic phenomena as being in league with divine prophesy .I agree tho since they have already placed themselves on a throne replacing morality with their own twisted version of ideologies , like we are to believe this war on terror is moral and just , when it's obviously an exercise in hate and murder also with theft involved . Those are not high moral standards , in fact you couldn't sink much lower. I know I will die before ever swearing allegiance to their maniacal designs for the world . People can close their eyes if they want and pretend it's all going away and things will get back to a bearable state where freedom can roam but you are only fooling yourselves , this thing is taking shape and nobody is going to be untouched by it .

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