by tula 58 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tula

    I am not a psychic!

    This information is not something I have thought about nor plotted.

    It is information that I have been led to find.

    I am predicting nothing!

    I am not making any of this up.

    I am only revealing to you the information that I have been led to find.

    That's ALL.

  • tula

    My Instruction:

    Think not what you will say when you are brought before the people. For what you speak shall be my words to my people.

    Your message:

    You are, every one of you, a spiritually lazy people. This is how you ended up in the mess from which you now escape.

    You have not sought Me with prayer and supplication.

    You have listened to the dictates of man.

    You call it mind control! behavior control!

    You seek to blame someone else for your own short comings.

    You are the very ones who gave man that authority over you because of your spiritual laziness.

    You did not seek me for yourselves. When did you fast and pray? When did you come to me?

    Thus saith the Lord Jesus, the promised Messiah sent to lead you, through the Holy Spirit of Truth.

  • BreakingAway
    There is a scripture where the disciples asked Jesus more questions about the end and he said something like "there's a lot I could tell you but it would be too much for you to bear." I know exactly how he felt. God will impart you with special information and insight but won't even help you to find the scripture you just mentioned ? Or are you just "too lazy" to find it ?

    Additionally, you claim you're not psychic and that you're not predicting anything but you said:

    In the coming months expect to hear this in the KH and the mags....

    As well as:

    Take a stand now or your loved ones will be forever lost to you!


    This will be the "New Food" the WTS will be feeding.
    (My commentary: This is what they are gearing up to do. These are their instructions coming from the very top. These are the instructions being given to the elite of your organization:)
    This is what they will tell the churches

    And there's more but I think you get the point.You didn't say : might, probably, could be, I think, possibly, etc. But rather, what they WILL say.That's a prophecy.Or a "prediction" if you prefer.

    Your claim for this supernatural insight, in your own words is:

    I did not "find it." I was sometimes led

    As well as :

    some things have simply been imparted to me

    I just came from a forked tongue Organization, with a self proclaimed "Faithful and Discreet Slave", that also says they aren't "inspired"- it's just that they'"guided", "God's sole channel on earth" and that not following there words will lead to death.Much like:

    Take a stand now or your loved ones will be forever lost to you!

    If you want to go by what the Bible says , Jesus made the statement at Mt. 24:11 "Many false prophets will appear and deceive many people."

    And Paul said: "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ."

    And in the book of Acts 20 the warning was:

    "Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves "

    No, I'm not going back to that stuff again.Been there.Done that.Got the t-shirt.No thanks.

  • minimus

    I have gotten a message from HIM.

    My Instruction: Do not become as a stupid one in the eyes of those online, for what you speak, you speak as a cow with little udders.

    Your Message: You are a bonehead and an embarrassment to me

    You know not anything and you refuse to take your meds

    You have no control and you blame everything on me

    You are pathetic and sad for your ignorance and you have not approached me for forgivness

  • marmot

    Minimus, I am laughing my ass off! "You are a bonehead and an embarrassment to me." ROFL!

    These conspiracy kooks really get under my skin sometimes but I've always gotta remember that mocking them is so rewarding.

    And Tula, seriously get help. You're experiencing textbook paranoia and delusions of grandeur.

  • marmot

    Minimus, I am laughing my ass off! "You are a bonehead and an embarrassment to me." ROFL!

    These conspiracy kooks really get under my skin sometimes but I've always gotta remember that mocking them is so rewarding.

    And Tula, seriously get help. You're experiencing textbook paranoia and delusions of grandeur.

  • tula

    Heathen I just found this. I think it is the "becoming Prayer." It is something coming out of the Catholic church. Some rather disturbing wording here. Can you imagine this being chanted in your face when you need a drink of water?

    Gracious and merciful is the holy one

    slow to anger, full of love.

    God is good in every way, merciful to every creature.

    The Holy One is faithful in every word

    and gracious in every work.

    She supports the fallen, raises those bowed down

    The Holy One is just in every way,

    loving in every deed.

    he is near to those who call, who cry out from their hearts

    God grants them their desires, hears their cry and saves them.

    Let all flesh bless God's many names,

    holy both now and forever.

  • Twitch

    Just sounds like preaching to me. Free country tho, so no biggee.

    I know you're convinced but it does seem rather zealous in a sense, almost fanatical. Spidey sense is tingling,....

    If I may, I might suggest a break from the quest? A change of focus is always good for the eyes.

    But what do I know, eh?

  • tula
    break from the quest


    The quest is over.

    It's simply a matter of trying to show others now.


  • Twitch
    It's simply a matter of trying to show others now.


    what do you offer?

    On second thought, never mind. I don't know enough of your angle to gauge the situation properly. Don't mind me,...

    btw, my friends call me Twit but you can call me Twist if you wish.


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