There is a scripture where the disciples asked Jesus more questions about the end and he said something like "there's a lot I could tell you but it would be too much for you to bear." I know exactly how he felt. God will impart you with special information and insight but won't even help you to find the scripture you just mentioned ? Or are you just "too lazy" to find it ?
Additionally, you claim you're not psychic and that you're not predicting anything but you said:
In the coming months expect to hear this in the KH and the mags....
As well as:
Take a stand now or your loved ones will be forever lost to you!
This will be the "New Food" the WTS will be feeding.
(My commentary: This is what they are gearing up to do. These are their instructions coming from the very top. These are the instructions being given to the elite of your organization:)
This is what they will tell the churches
And there's more but I think you get the point.You didn't say : might, probably, could be, I think, possibly, etc. But rather, what they WILL say.That's a prophecy.Or a "prediction" if you prefer.
Your claim for this supernatural insight, in your own words is:
I did not "find it." I was sometimes led
As well as :
some things have simply been imparted to me
I just came from a forked tongue Organization, with a self proclaimed "Faithful and Discreet Slave", that also says they aren't "inspired"- it's just that they'"guided", "God's sole channel on earth" and that not following there words will lead to death.Much like:
Take a stand now or your loved ones will be forever lost to you!
If you want to go by what the Bible says , Jesus made the statement at Mt. 24:11 "Many false prophets will appear and deceive many people."
And Paul said: "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ."
And in the book of Acts 20 the warning was:
"Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves "
No, I'm not going back to that stuff again.Been there.Done that.Got the t-shirt.No thanks.