I don't think Tula has delusions of grandeur , that's a false allegation , she merely feels compelled to warn people of the false religions out there , she's not claiming to be more than human or super human , she has not even showed a desire to lord it over anybody . However if she is hearing voices in her head then it could be schizophrenia . There are lots of people that believe the world is coming to an end in a biblical way , the difference is that most believe in a different type of anti Christ .
by tula 58 Replies latest watchtower bible
However if she is hearing voices in her head then it could be schizophrenia
I have never said such a thing.
Why do you make these things up?
I'm not saying you are hearing voices in your head just saying if that's the case then you may need some help but if not then there's not anything to say about it. There's also people that have electronic devices that try to mess with peoples heads all the time , I don't know what your situation is .I've known people with schizophrenia paranoia that even thought they were clairvoyant and telekinetic , heard voices, saw strange things , much better on the meds. One guy I've met actually thought God left him in charge of disobedient man .I have met plenty of nutters . Not saying you are one tho.
The God formerly known as Jehovah .
Didn't a music star try this ? LOL
yeah, and the wts accepted him as well.
You know the really sad thing, is that if they ever did this the R&F would swallow it and believe it. That is what is really sad!!!!
And the full moon isn't until Feb 20.
But it does not go unnoticed by me that the powers behind one-world-government and one-world-religion use the same language that WTS does.
I have a curiousity and wonder if the WTS "religious" training could posssibly be an experimental prototype of a method of mass hypnosis.
The "whore of Babalon" is arrayed in purple and scarlet. Purple symbolizes royalty (perhaps the 13 "royal" bloodlines?) and there is an association of scarlet with the opium poppy. (did not Marx say that religion is the "opiate of the masses"?)
This hypnotic aspect religion is also displayed in Tibetian types of cult behavior in the form of mantras and chants.
This sort of "mindless behavior" is used as an "invocation" to "spirits, possession, etc." It puts one in such a mental state as to be open to hypnotic suggestion. The use of repetative words, repetetive actions and behaviors, tend to function to bring the mind to a state of inactivity. (Fertile ground for influence)
They both claim the keys to "The New World Order."
Interesting that you should use the word "keys"this is part of the insignia used by the papacy. The secret societies have a bond with the papacy from centuries ago.
here is an excerpt you might find interesting.
Subtitle: Peter is the most important figure in Roman Catholicism because the Vatican claims unbroken succession in Popes, with Peter as the first Pope. Research proves this cannot be true, plus we demonstrate that Catholicism simply teaches ancient Paganism with Christian names.
The keys in the above picture are supposed to represent the "keys of the kingdom" that was given to Peter in Matthew 16:19. According to Roman Catholicism, these keys represent all authority in heaven and in Earth, and she (Catholicism), as the "rightful possessor" through the passing of those keys, has all authority. Pope Gregory VII (the "only pope to canonize himself") drew up a Dictatus (list) of twenty- seven theses outlining his powers as "Peter’s vicar, Prince of the Apostles and Chief Shepherd".
Pope Gregory VII claimed the Pope had the following eight (8) powers:
1). The Pope can be judged by no one on earth.
2). The Roman church has never erred, nor can it err until the end of time.
3). The Pope alone can depose bishops.
4). He alone is entitled to imperial insignia.
5). He can dethrone emperors and kings and absolve their subjects from allegiance.
6). All princes are obliged to kiss his feet.
7). His legates, even when not priests, have precedence over all bishops.
8). A rightly elected Pope is, without question, a saint, made so by the merits of Peter"
(Vicars of Christ: the Dark Side of the Papacy, DeRosa, 58).Nowhere does scripture reveal that these "keys of the kingdom" are "passed on" to anyone, or that the Apostle Peter had any such power over "emperors and kings". Nonetheless, according to Catholic tradition, Apostle Peter reigned as pope in Rome for 25 years (42 to 67 A.D.); from that point on, the keys were "passed" from one pope to another in what they claim is an unbroken line of "apostolic succession". What is this apostolic succession? Is it an unbroken line from Peter to John Paul II? The truth is that the Roman church knows the list of popes is not genuine. It has been changed many times.
"You know the really sad thing, is that if they ever did this the R&F would swallow it and believe it"
Yes, I (we) do know. I am assuming that is why we are no longer WTS conformist. I also can't help thinking that the increased secrecy of the WTS is to try (lo, they shall not suceed!) to protect themselves from those that will critisize them as they begin to either:
A) become more an more absurdly controlling, or
B) suddenly sway in a direction appalingly different from what they've previously taught.
If B, becomes the case, there is going to be a tremendous weeding of those that buy into the myth that the WTS = God; and those that actually have a conscience before God. It is going to be very interesting to watch.
I have one more thing to say, "STOP PICKING ON
BRITTNEYTULA! She doesn't deserve this! I mean it! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!".....In all seriousness, I know you guys are having a good time poking fun at what seems like farfetched and unconceivable ideas; but I, for one, want to hear what Tula has to say. I have seen some support to what she is saying even in mainstream media. I'd like to listen and then come to my own conclusions about whether there is any truth to it. I think this is a higher road than closing my ears, only to later wish that I had heard at least some of it.
OK, I've said my peace. Carry on!
I might add that the church colors for the catholic church are purple and scarlet , just adding to the evidence that IMO the catholic church is the whore of babylon . They were that ones that did all the tampering of scripture to include pagan beliefs and in fact murdered many people over dissent , who knows? some may have been saints as one scripture denotes the whore drinking the blood of holy ones . I doubt people actually kept track of the churches murders . The protestant churches were no better when they mixed church and state.