From Rutherford -2008 Watchtower ="dont have kid's till after Armagedon!"

by Witness 007 54 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yes I thought Rutherford's policy on kid's was dead and the society had wised up....until I read the new "Witnesses only" Watchtower study

    Rutherford's last Book "Children" 1942 = P.281 "Wait until after Armagedon to bring children into the is only afew years before the other sheep are gathered to the Lord, until Armagedon...those with infants during Armagedon will have greater would be a far greater difficulty to care for them during the Tribulation."

    Watchtower 2008 April 15 P.19 {Picture of a middle aged couple Witnessing with question: Why do some christian couples decide not to have children?} Paragraph 12 "Single or childless for a Noble purpose.....numerous couples have decided to remain childless....they often do so to remain freer to serve Jehovah...they are willing to place Kingdom interests above some of the privileges that go with marriage...Jehovah will not forget their work, and the love they show for his name...there will be a Great Tribulation...doubtless, it will be a difficult time for all of us-adults and children alike."

    History repeats it's self 65 years later, with this stupid, meddling organisation!

  • Hope4Others

    I know a lot of older people who never had children because of rutherfords comments. They have all since died childless and were lonely when they got up in age.


  • sass_my_frass

    My sister and her husband are two of them. I'm sure it breaks her heart every day.

  • WTWizard

    I can remember a lot of talks about this around 1969, too. That was in conjunction with 1975. I wonder if they are starting to lead to 2014.

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    Whenever there were these kind of statements I always used to feel desperately hollow.

    Can’t believe that they are still cheating people from life that should really be theirs, if this disgraceful religion didn’t interfere.

    How sad it is that people can be so affected

  • Gill

    Perhaps they have a point - just for the wrong reason.

    The world, is becoming a seriously crazy place and is way too over populated.

    Food is beginning to rise in price and the era of cheap food is over for good, in western countries.

    Here in the UK, you go to the shops and find that though the government is claiming 2.5 % inflation, a lot of food items have risen by 30 - 40 %.

    If we are going to have to rely on bio fuels that means valuable farm land will be turned over to growing bio fuel crops!

    Perhaps those of us who have children will be sad to see them hungry.

    We're relatively well of and we're struggling to provide the food as the price of absolutely everything has rocketed. We're struggling with electricity and gas prices, rising council taxes etc

    So, though the WT motives are total baloney, the world is in a frightening change period and anything could happen......non Armagedon related, that is!

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I guess I'm not a very good JW then....

    Incidentally, my husband (who has no idea I'm turning apostate!!) commented last night that the new JW only WT is far stricter/authoritarian and reads different to the old one. People have to be noticing this stuff.

  • besty
    turning apostate

    LOL Mickey Mouse - turned apostate more like....turning normal is more accurate

    I put off having kids because I didn't want them brought up as JW's - not really an assembly-grade experience

    I think these sort of paragraphs are squarely aimed at reassuring the target audience they have done the right thing. My brother and his wife are a perfect example - although only in their late 30's and early 40's they are mentally middle-aged veeering towards retirement already. No kids for the Lord. Shame.

    Typical of a high control group to use loaded language to 'suggest' not having children is normal somehow. Because the WTS has got you giving up basic human pleasures it reinforces your dependence on the group. Clever stuff.

  • Awakened07

    This is 'great'. Beautiful.

    I mean - it's bad for those still in and I'm sorry for them, but for me, it means I don't have to dust off old WT books and magazines anymore to show that they used to be insane and controlling.

    They're still just as insane and controlling! Great.

    -Thing is though, that the couples still-in who chose not to have kids in the 40s (and ended up never having kids) probably don't even regret it. It's 'no big deal' since you can make up for it in the 'new system'. Same with blood; "Yeah, well - she died, but she'll get resurrected. No biggie." When you promise people eternal life, you can make them do anything, 'cause this life doesn't matter that much.

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    When I found out I was expecting our fist baby, my hubby and I were ecstatic - we decided to call eachother's moms to tell them the good news.

    I called his Mom and she was over the moon - this was her first grandchild and she was so happy.

    He called my Mom (her first grandchild too!) and her first words to him were "Oh No - how can you bring a baby into this world - that is so cruel"

    My husband was shocked and upset - what kind of a reaction is that to news about the most amazing event to happen in our lives. I tried to explain her reaction and but he has never forgotten those words!

    What I find interesting is surely a large portion of their growth is dependant on children growing up as JW's and getting baptised? So why discourage that kind of growth?


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