Drinking & Jehovah's Witnesses

by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    oh ja they love their booze all right.

    When I was younger a group of us used to hang out and drink - some got reproved for it ( I was one), others didn't (elders' son and those that pimped on us).

    Another time a group of us were out, including younger elders and there was a 10 bucks drink as much as you like (keep your glass / bottle) Since they were serving the cheap stuff I wasn't too interested, I'd rather pay per drink and actually enjoy my whiskey thanks - Anyway the following sunday I was hauled to the back of the hall by an elder (that was there drinking) and the PO - accusing me of being pissed - I lost it - I raised my voice so that everyone in the hall could hear and asked them if they could honestly stand there and blatently lie and that Mr. Elder should take the rafter out of his eye first before worrying about the straw in mine........

  • aquagirl

    depended on who you were and who you hung out with..the elders and their lapdogs,all drank,tons..my girlfriends and i used to smoke some rope in my ol/barracuda b4 the meetings..then we'd draw charicators of the speakers during their talks..man,i wish i could find some of them.ill bet they were great!!!!

  • Younglove1999

    I knew a lot of JW's in my hall who drank heavily-

    My favorite stories are the ones where when we all went away for conventions and the many wives of elders got plastered.

    And every 6 months when the CO came to visit and had the MS/Elder meetings, it meant all the wives got together and drank.

    You could get plastered, play violent video games, watch violent movies or other rated R movies (gasp!!) and as long as you were going to meetings you were fine.

  • kurtbethel

    Dub Dub Dub Dub Dub Dub

    The sound of bourbon being poured into a glass.

  • LearningToFly

    Where I grew up, there was always alot of drinking going on at get togethers. The worst culprit for over drinking that I had ever seen was this arrogant, holier than thou elder who was the one who dissasociated me as a teen. Some kind of example he was.. or shall I say.. Hypocrite!


  • Seeker4

    Ah, JWs and alcohol - their main redeeming feature.

    Kurtbethel - VERY funny.


  • minimus

    The elders that made a big deal about drinking were never invited to the good parties.

  • Leolaia

    If I had stayed, I would have been in the teetotaler class. Drinking just doesn't do it for me. Might have at most one or two beers a year. If I have a glass of wine, I usually drink only a third of it. Lately I do like the taste of rum in coke. And pina coladas are nice. But generally, I go for a fizzy drink or ice tea than alcohol.

  • sacolton

    My Brother-In-Law and his wife are both HEAVY drinkers. Both JWs. They couldn't go out to a dinner without
    having three strong drinks. While my wife and I would drink occassionally with them or we'd get that 3rd degree:
    "Whaaa? Not getting a drink? C'mon!", so we'd give in and order a Long Island Iced Tea.

    Even during a early lunch - around 10:30 am - they are ordering drinks while everyone else is drinking sodas.

    The only good thing about them getting drunk is that was the only time they were fun to be around. We would
    have some SERIOUS LAUGH OUT LOUD dinners. It was great!

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