Joseph, your comments are interesting, but inconsistent, both with what I wrote and with regard to Scripture. When the tombstone is rolled away from Jesus' tomb in Matthew 28:2, it does not describe it as "an aftershock" as you characterized it, but as a "severe earthquake." Where in the text did you deduce the theory that this was an aftershock?
What difference does this make? When an earthquake takes place and another takes place a few days later that I called an aftershock does this change anything? No! The scriptures simply identify the event as earthquake. Today we call them aftershocks. And if you use WTS material and do not identify it as such who's fault is that? If it comes from you then it is your information not someone else's. You see that is the problem with following others. You cannot blame the error on them any more than Adam could blame it on his wife. We will be judged individually based on our deeds and not the deeds of others.