BTS still forgets Fidel's predecessor Batista was backed by the US and the Mafia did far worse than Fidel ever did. Which is why Fidel came into power and Cuba still hates the US.
Fidel Castro gives up power, what will happen?
by JK666 59 Replies latest jw friends
but he'd rather have it ALL back at home, in Cuba.
I grew up in a Cuban neighborhood in Miami, and I get kind of homesick sometimes. It is hard to describe how you feel, it is a family kind of feeling. Shared language, culture and all that. But still, I was born and raised here, this is my home. I would like to go to Cuba and maybe be able to retire there, a little ranch in the countryside would be beautiful-but not too far from the sea. Hemingway loved Cuba, he wrote "For whom the Bell Tolls" there, and his "Old Man and the Sea" is based on a gnarled old fisherman he knew. Cubanos revere Hemingway, he really understood.
BTS still forgets Fidel's predecessor Batista was backed by the US and the Mafia did far worse than Fidel ever did. Which is why Fidel came into power and Cuba still hates the US.
I forget nothing. As I mentioned in my earlier post, if you bothered to read, I partly blame the catastrophe on flawed US policy. Batista was no saint, for sure. But on a scale, Castro has him beat by a long shot. Under Castro Cuba is free, free to starve.
"Castro has cost his country a fortune."
Cuba is poor due to the American embargo
We could talk that into a circle. couldnt we? Point to Six... I'm to tired to argue.
Cuba is poor due to the American embargo. Poor but happy, compared to most Americans. Compare your average Cuban to BurntheShips for instance ;)
So happy a quarter of the population jumped ship. If they could not vote in free elections, and being disarmed could not vote from the rooftops and ambush points, they did the only voting they could, they voted with their feet and left. Poor but happy? So happy that the suicide rates are high. They are just dying to get out, if not on a raft, then to the Great Beyond.
When Cuba's suicide rate reached 24 per thousand in 1986--making it double Latin America's average, making it triple Cuba's pre-Castro rate, making Cuban women the most suicidal in the world, and making death by suicide the primary cause of death for Cubans aged 15-48. At that point the Cuban government ceased publishing the statistics on the self-slaughter. The figures became state secrets. The implications horrified even the Castroites.
Cubans on the island have the highest rate of suicide in Latin America. But Cubans in Miami-Dade County kill themselves less often than other Miamians, and Cuban-born women in Miami commit suicide least of all, according to a study.
And although Cubans on the island average one death per three attempts serious enough to require hospital treatment, Communist Party members commit one suicide per attempt, the study says.
If suicide is truly an act of desperation, then the just-published study, Suicide in Cuba and Miami, shows that Cubans are dreadfully miserable in one place and far less so in the other. commies are pretty good at dealing themselves in, it seems like the practice pays off. At least there is some good news coming out of there.
Ranked #18, far higher than any country in sunny warm Latin America:
I'll tell you what Six, if you give me all your posessions I will personally teach you how to be poor but happy. Hey, I am nice guy, I am giving you a choice!
I believe your site may be a bit skewed Burn. Here are some more statistics.
The WHO site is ranked in alphabetical order, the Cuba stat is the same as on Wiki. The highest in the tropics, excepting Sri Lanka. And yes, latitude seems to affect suicide rates.
I'm saying the site you linked listed 24 per thousand. It's listed as approx 32 per one hundred thousand on the WHO site.
Wow, that is a crazy map. I can't think of a single aspect that the red areas have in common??
Hubert, that's cool the way you got a shot at Obama there. But it's incredibly simplistic. We don't need speculation, smoke or mirrors to divine the mess the Republicans have gotten us into. We don't need soundbites or untruthful mass emails. We need only look at the deficit, the list of members of this administration who have been indicted, and the number of dead to see that.