I used to go the Ballet all the time with sisters from the congregation. Elders wives, pioneers, etc. Funny how they never mentioned from the platform about the witches, fairies and magic that are the main plot of the story line. Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, Coppelia, we saw them all. Of course, we would never go to see the Nutcracker! Any Opera fans out there?
TV progams that must be not be viewed at all costs
by TooBad TooSad 62 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Yeah, but announce "Star Wars" from the platform and see how many head-nod's you get. They won't touch that one, despite its "force" and all that. Arbitrary, like all their other silly rules.
And agreed on Smash Lab. It's so obviously an attempt to be another Mythbusters, that it has the copy-cat strike against it. That it also sucks is just the final nail.
What about that "truth" show from Fox, with the lie-detector? "We destroy the lives of people stupid enough to let us -- Next, on Fox!" Pass, thanks...
The Smurfs. Three's Company. Fantasy Island. That witch show with the 3 hot chicks (can't remember name). I dream of Jeannie. Bewitched. Christmas Charlie Brown. Pumpkin Charlie Brown etc, etc, etc.
Years ago at a circuit assembly a speaker said that the simpsons were bad...
We went from watching it all the time to barely being able to watch it at all over night...
It's funny how things suddenly bother your conscience...
The Oracle
Littlest Mermaid is a big no-no where I come from.
Another huge taboo show was Bewitched. I was told by our PO that even if I leave the TV on by accident - and Bewitched comes on while I am in another room - the demons would consider that an open invitation to come in to our house.
The Oracle
So totally like the early religious communites that came to America. Ever seen the movie "Scarlette Letter" this kind of thinking has been around since the beginnings of Christainity. I think was is creepy is that this kind of thinking is still being taught in religions today. If they could return to burning people at the state the religious right would do it and JW would be right there doing it too.
speaking in tongues !!
But, I thought ah ah ah.....never mine.
Witness 007
One Elder giving a talk on Entertainment, asked: "Now how many kid's would have seen the Harry Potter movie......" 25 Witness kid's put there hand up so he didn't use this as an example......he was going to say "See brothers, even our kid's know what is acceptable." Some parents tried to pull their kid's hand down.
Here's the funniest part of all that, is that there is nothing more occult, more involved in mysticism than the bible itself.
Invocating and talking to dead spirits? All in the bible. Interpreting dreams? All in the bible. Astrology? All in the bible. To me, it is just hypocrisy on end and I am neither advocating or attacking, but religion itself is based on the mystic, just one form versus another.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Don't read the Bible, especially Revelation. And don't read books or watch videos about the Bible. That book talks all about the devil and the demons. That publication has led to the murder and insanity of millions of people.