We had a woman in our hall who claimed there were demons all around she even said they were in the kingdumb hall so in that case I think going to the kingdumb hall is dangerous. Look at all the people who leave the hall everyday and go to peoples houses speaking in tongues and acting crazy. They must be possessed!
TV progams that must be not be viewed at all costs
by TooBad TooSad 62 Replies latest watchtower scandals
The idea of demons is to JWs like Halloween is to us -- an excuse to be deliciously frightened. Wooooooooooooo -- where's that demon? Could be anywhere. What fun! The demons are the only real entertainment dubs are allowed to have (well, there's that running away from vicious dogs in field service, too).
My old cong must have been one of the more liberal ones -- I don't remember their ever banning a TV show or movie. Or maybe I just wasn't paying attention. I didn't pay attention a lot. -
There's a new Smurfs movie in production right now. Might be interesting to see if they'll still freak out over it.
Oracle, you are hilarious!
Momzcrazy, I absolutely love A Haunting. I'm tired of Ghost Hunters because they never actually catch anything.
My husband and I knew we were meant for each other when we discovered we each had the very same edition of Lord Of The Rings (the book). And I have Hobbitt feet, not my best attribute....
I think JWs like Star Wars because they get to see the Death Star blown up. It reminds them of all of the people who will die in Armageddon. There were probably thousands of people working on the Death Star in construction jobs but nobody cared when they were blown up because they were working for the Evil Empire. I guess all that carnage gives JWs a warm, fuzzy feeling.
It's funny that JW's set themselves apart from other Christian sects, but they're united with the rest of Christendom in their condemnation of Harry Potter. Children's fiction is a gateway to spiritism, huh? And the Harry Potter series is on par with stuff like "The Exorcist"? Thank goodness the Watchtower can "dumb down" such concepts for its adherents, making them exempt from philosophical accountability. Jesus.
Princess Daisy Boo
Any TV program or movie that we watched that had even a hint of the spirit world in it was banned by my Mom... to this day if I see anything like this I can imagine Mom's voice in my head saying " this is demonised - turn it off quickly". Imagine her horror if she had realised that my first housemate when I moved out was a girl who practiced wicca...ooooohhh
I remember a family in our cong that weren't even allowed cartoons - even the gummy bears were banned in their home!!!
Can anyone tell me WHY I was not allowed to watch "The Flying Nun"? I understand "Dark Shadows", "Bewitched", "I Dream of Jeanie/Genie?", but "The Flying Nun"???!
Probably because it would be like letting the catholic church into your living room on a weekly basis. And it may incite kids to want to become a nun.
Witnesses are only a step away from being a Monty Python skit... "Is your television warm to the touch when you watch Charmed?" "A bit..." "I bet it is warmer then normal, that indicates that da debil is inside!"
My partner (DF'd a long time ago) told me that when he was in his early teens, his mother made him burn his collector's edition set of Tolkien's trilogy because she was worried about demons. Ironic when you consider the fact that their dad was beating the crap out of them all the time as well as doing a little dabbling in the sexual abuse of other people's kids. Yeah, he's in a federal "pound me in the a**" prison now. Good thing she kept them safe from those demons though....
CSI & similar programs being heavily slated at circuit assemblies at the moment , on the basis that they "glorify crime & violence".
Some JW families have stopped watching them (at least , in public anyway).