Yeah, don't watch Charmed and see a nice, loving, family/sibling relationship that works. The demons will make you want that, that's how they are. Evil!!
TV progams that must be not be viewed at all costs
by TooBad TooSad 62 Replies latest watchtower scandals
drew sagan
I don't have any real dolls, I prefer to use my infinite imagination... cause I ain't got no damn money. -
JW's teach not to believe in superstition and TO believe in superstition!
"Anyway, where were we? Oh yes. We were on the last paragraph of Chapter 9 of the "Live Forever Book"…..the very last question. (b) What effect has this knowledge (that there is no hell) had on you?”JW STUDY:
“Um,.. How good it is to know the truth about the dead! It has truly set me free from FEAR and SUPERSTITION.”JW:
“That’s right! Isn’t it convenient how the answer is right there in the book for us? Now lets turn to just the next page... and go on to Chapter 10 of the Live Forever Book, ‘WICKED SPIRITS ARE POWERFUL’!”