Mr. Flipper Talks with Bethel Legal Service Desk Rep About JW Child Abuse

by flipper 103 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • LearningToFly

    Thank you Flipper, I am sure they won't tell me what I want to hear, but I will say what I need too!

    I had deleted my post.. but shall repost the part deleted................

    I was recently given the number for them from a good friend here on the board, and am going to make my own call to them very soon.

    I have first hand knowledge of a situation where the elders did not make a report to the police, nor warn the congregation of an abuser. My younger sister went to the Elders way back in 1978/79, there was an elders meeting where the abuser did confess and profess repentance to them. Their decision was to allow this person to remain a member with no punishment, but to simply stay away from my sister. There was no police report made, and when the gossip started circulating around the hall, the family, including himself said it was all lies. When my sisters future mother in law spoke out and said, No, its not lies, she was actually reproved and although a very faithful sister, was not allowed to go out in service or answer in the meetings for six months. Its a shame the victims were punished and not the abuser.

    This is how they handle things, and I still want an answer from them on this as well as other answers on other issues.

    Thank you again Flipper for making the call you made!


  • flipper

    LEARNING TO FLY- Thanks LTF ! I'm glad you re-posted your experience as it will definitely help other people who may have gone through the same things ! It might give them the courage to come out with their knowledge of child abuse situations to expose the Watchtower society ! The more we bring this out into the light - the less the Watchtower society will be able to deny it ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Praying4Justice

    Good for you, Mr. Flipper, and thanks for the support from a previous post. I wish you luck as well with your daughters.

    Taking action, whether it be calling, writing or talking to them even though we know how they will respond is something we must continue to do. It's frustrating as heck to hear them respond like robots or watch the blank look on their faces while trying their hardest to tune us out, but we never know if something we say will trigger something in that person later on. Your call could have been the straw that broke the camel's back and that person you were talking to might actually find his strength to find out the real truth and get out!

    Smiddy, I'm with you and the others on the pamphlets. Sign me up.

  • flipper

    PRAYING FOR JUSTICE- Thanks for wishing me well on my daughters . It is so true what you say about trying to talk with witnesses , and it is freaky when you see their blank zoned out expressions on their faces trying to ignore the obvious truths you are revealing to them. As they have been programmed to not listen to ANYTHING dissing their perception of reality. But, we have to keep trying - you never know when some of what we say may sink in

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Hey Flip!, did you record it? We could really benefit from a tape like that. I'd certainly do a video on it without a doubt. I wonder what that faithful "brother" thought about after you hung up? W.Once

  • flipper

    WAS AN ELDER ONCE- No, I should have recorded it , but was primarily doing it for my own information and curiosity . Having been raised in the organization I had been wanting to do this since spring of last year after the child abuse scandal information came out. But I highly encourage anyone else to do it - you are right it would be a big help -and the bigger voice in protest we all give perhaps more will be done in time

  • moshe

    Good conversation- not that it would change that 40 year company man in the least.

  • flipper

    MOSHE- I agree. I know it probably won't change him being 40 years a witness- but maybe just maybe I gave him a thought or two to think about ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    There have been SO MANY new people exiting out of the Jehovah's Witnesses cult lurking on here and joining- I wanted to pull this conversation I had with a 40 year Bethel legal representative out of my archives in my thread section from a year ago so newer members can see what the WT societies official response is regarding child abuse ! Any responses welcome ! Thanks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • truthsetsonefree
    and we figured there was no reason to inform congregations as they'd see the news reports and we felt the elders didn't need to hear about it.

    They have got to be kidding.


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