TRUTHSETSONEFREE - Unfortunately the guy was serious. He wasn't kidding. And that's part of the delusion inside Bethel and the governing body. They don't want their members informed about anything . As Steve Hassan called it " information control ". Sick
Mr. Flipper Talks with Bethel Legal Service Desk Rep About JW Child Abuse
by flipper 103 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Just wanted to bump this up for those who haven't seen it and would like to comment. Thanks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Flipper, WOW, I commend you for that call! You didn't let him get off easy, way to go!!! Proud of you!
Flipper, you got further with them then I did ;) I called them in June of 2007 a month or so after the news was reported and he said to write a letter to them if I wanted any answers. I kept asking about the molester database and he just kept telling me to write them a letter. At the time I was still going to meetings so that was a nice wake up call! Good to hear that some people actually call them and bug them about abuse victims. Good for you.
CAWSHUN- Thanks, I appreciate it. I wasn't going to let this Bethel legal rep off easy because if he's been in it for 40 years - he's seen everything go on in this organization. I knew he'd know all the angles the WT society pulls trying to hide this subject. So- I challenged him. Very exposing.
DIAMONDIZ- I'm glad you called them also ! I had another friend tell me that he called Bethel- and they told him the same thing - write a letter. Perhaps because I got a hold of a guy who had 40 years under his belt he felt he could wing it and handle all the questions himself. So I hope I caused him to think somewhat about the answers he was giving me
Great job Mr. Flipper. I am so shocked at the ridiculous answers of the brother in the Legal Department. I really thought they would come up with better stuff. No wonder they are quiet about everything.
BONAFIDE- This WT society and it's representatives DO NOT CARE what happens to innocent children. His responses really didn't surprise me at all from what I've seen in the WT societies attitude the last decade regarding child abuse. They are about protecting their pretend good reputation first and foremost - and to hell with the children. It's disgusting
You have a good heart Flipper..Unfortunately the person you talked to..Does`nt give a rats ass about child abuse..All he cares about is the correct WBT$ response to your questions..The bastard will sleep just fine...............................OUTLAW
Outlaw, The guy flipper talked to may not give a rat's a** but at least he is aware people are more aware of what is going on, I think it will matter in the long run. The WT will get a bit spooked that they didn't hush this up completely. The WT know's this will spread over the internet, that is why they are making everything and anything in the world " APOSTATE" which now means, " Devil" "Satan" " Father of Lie" how long do they think they can get away with this stupid thinking?
Flipper, stay on your cursade, your doing a great job exposing the WT. Maybe every witness won't buy it but, it will still make some think!! My hat's off to you!
OUTLAW- Yeah, very true. I knew the legal desk rep didn't give a rats behind about the child abuse scandal- but I figured I'd let him know that not only myself but others are aware of it ! Jehovah's Witnesses are ALL about " information control" especially when it comes to this information getting out ! So - hopefully word gets out from other people calling too !
CAWSHUN- Thanks. If many of us start making these Bethel legal weirdos aware that lots of us know about the child abuse scandals - then it will make them sweat just a bit more to see they can't keep it hidden forever. Exposure is the key ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Just wanted to bump this up for the newbies as we have had an influx of them lately ! Peace to you all, Mr. Flipper