How would you help them see it's not "The Truth"?
How Would YOU Help a JW That Is Questioning The Religion?
by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends
With a gift of some "classic" C.T.Russell books.
Send them to this site...
It depends on the JW. If it was a JW I knew when I was also a cultist I probably wouldn't help at all. Most of them were assholes to me, so it gives me pleasure to see them waste their lives.
I would much rather help someone who is considering joining the cult than a current member. As to how I'd help them, that depends on them. I could direct them to web sites or provide my own information that I've accumulated.
Most JWs regard Russell's writing as "old light". So they simply close their mind.
This site is good IF you're ready to go on an a "apostate" site. So, you might not be able to do that right away.
Homerovah the Almighty
Make the person look intently on who, how and why it was formed, maybe make them see that it is really a business that is masquerading its self as a religion.
Probably the best way to do that is with the information on the net.
Have sex with him.
Oh and um. Give him my copy of C of C.
Sorry about the first part, I'm just desperate and stuff.
"Having sex with him" is a novel approach.
First of all, listen to him (her?). What questions is he having? Offer comfort where he has been injured by JWs. Move only as fast as he is able.
ask him to check out jw history and child abuse cover ups