How Would YOU Help a JW That Is Questioning The Religion?

by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    MM, good suggestion. Comfort. Don't scare away.

  • Finally-Free

    Have sex with him.

    Oh and um. Give him my copy of C of C.

    Sorry about the first part, I'm just desperate and stuff.

    Now I feel like pretending to be a JW with doubts and questions... W

  • saywhat29

    God, II'm sorry this is suppose to be serious, huh? I lay on the innuendo too much at times.

    I think like the poster MMae had it right by asking them what their questions were instead of throwing them all sorts of places. I mean someone who is like a single mother who isn't feeling the love of the congregation and feels like she is being treated like crap might not give a damn about Rutherford and what not and might just need to know that she's not crazy or that her feelings aren't a sign of her old personality she needs to work on. Eventually all those other things 'could def. be brought up but realize that people leave for different reasons and the answers they find should be different (initially).

    But if that does not work, then yes sleep with him.

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    It really depends on what exactly are they Questioning. Is it ther treatment from the elders? or the theology itself?

    Maybe she's a young girl, she'll need a different approach, as would a young boy.

    But if he/she is an adult who has made the 'truth' his/her own, and is simply questioning the WTS theology then showing them 1914 and the pyramids, that should open their eyes, show them how CT Russell got 1914 from measuring the pyramids, that's what first opened my eyes and started me on the road out, although I'm still in, thats why the Lone Ranger wears a mask. hehehe.

  • MissingLink
    Most JWs regard Russell's writing as "old light". So they simply close their mind.

    True they generally know he wasn't 100% correct. But I think most aren't aware just HOW crazy he was. I was shocked when I read his books a couple months ago.

  • oompa

    Saywhat may be on to something....If you went to a desolate area and molested he or she against their will, you could then tell them to go try and report you to the elders so that you could charge them with slander since there are not two witnesses........they may wake up fast....................oompa

    Actually I have been fascintated at what has flipped so many peoples switches here....Whatever the person is questioning...find a way to make the question turn into a crack in the JW armor....widen the crack....look for paralells in other teachings so the crack can fork off in different directions....keep the cracks growing and of course the armor could just fall apart......

  • worldtraveller

    At first I thought it was important to help others out , and I still think it's a good thing to do, but who forced anyone to board the Titanic. Trying not to be cynical here but just how long does it take to smell something rotten?

    I have often discussed the attitude of the cult with my JW associate and I truly believe he deserves what he got. A great big pig in a poke. Quitting the Watchtower is like quitting smoking. It seems like an addiction. But have you ever nagged a smoker to quit? Good luck!

    If someone truly has had enough, they themselves have to break free of their own accord. Once you question someone why you are still in, you automatically trigger their defense mechanism. Seems like a hopeless cause. HOWEVER.....

    Just the other day I was working with my JW associate and on the way home he told me he missed the days of Easter egg colouring and the egg hunt. I thought....what's up with that? Apostate thoughts from a die hard? Maybe there is hope for him after all.

  • flipper

    I believe I would approach it from the " mind control" aspect . Help them realize that what they are being taught are policies of men - not actually the Bible . And show them that the Watchtower society is not in harmony with the Bible in regards to God's name, child abuse protection policies, blood transfusions , etc. I have tried to use a common sense approach in reasoning with people , mostly trying to avoid doctrinal issues . Reason with them

  • yknot

    Let them talk, and validate all they say!

    Make them confortable; then introduce one of your 'issues'.

    Classic FS stuff, listen, nod head, divert to similar subject, encourage questioning & critical examination.

    Agree to meet up later to talk more, start meeting once a week

    Introduce a older publication talked about in WT study or BS.

  • jaguarbass

    I would tell them to log on here and lurk for a while.

    Read "Crisis of Concience.

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