Sex during pregnancy........

by LDH 50 Replies latest social relationships

  • mommy

    No way! I will just request an ultrasound every visit

    How can you be sure that the second child was actually from another ovulation cycle? I have heard of cases that a mother has a child from 2 seperate fathers, I don't deny those cases occuring. My point is most cases that have been reported to me are older cases, except for the latest case that Jan gave us a link to. And even the doctor involved states he has never seen anything like this. He even suggested an outside source(chemically) helped for this to happen.

    Twenty years ago ultrasounds were just starting to be used in the medical field. And honestly ultrasounds are not 100% fool proof. I know of one woman here on this forum who had one child of her twins "hiding" so she was not aware she was having twins, for a little while. So perhaps the sudden appearance of another fetus is not proof that another ovulation cycle occured. The fact that the baby was 4 weeks delayed, also does not mean it was from another ovulation.

    My own child was born on time, actually a few days before her due date. But she suffered from IUGR due to a knot tied in her cord. Her head was 36 weeks along, and her abdomen was 32 weeks.

    I will keep looking, but the BBC article is the only thing I have seen so far that is close to proof that this can happen. And I believe that it was more than a quirk in nature that brought this on.

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • saltiest

    I am so ready for this little girl inside me to either change position or just come on out. I start my 34th week tomorrow (first pregnancy) and up until this last week, sex was not a problem. In fact, more intense, and instigated by myself more often than the dad. We came to an agreement that if I was aching too much we wouldn't even attempt it, and to hold off until it would be more fun.

    My closest friend said her desire for sex went downhill when she was pregnant and she just didn't want it. I couldn't fathom that, and really, I can't now. Because even if I'm hurting, I'm still horny and still want it...just have to put if off for a few hours or a day. Can't help it, lol, I love sex.

    And lemme tell you, I'll be getting that Depo shot in my butt before I leave the hospital with the new one. Apparently those pills weren't working before and I'm taking no chances this time.

  • Billygoat


    STOP! I got that once years ago when I was about to be married. It worked alright. But it was because it killed my libido so badly we didn't have sex. The Depo shot will KILL (I'll say it twice for emphasis!) KILL your sex drive. You won't even want to hold hands let alone have sex. DON'T DO IT!!!!


  • ianao

    Pardon the intrusion, but what, praytell is a depo shot? Is this some form of birth control?

  • saltiest

    Thanks for your comment, Andi. We're going to give it a try, even with the warnings I've been given about the lowered libido. I took my bc pills regularly every single day and yet I got pregnant. Right now, physically and financially I'm unable to handle another child so I'm willing take the side effects. I'm only a little concerned about losing the sex drive because I rarely am affected in that way with medication. I was on Lithium for a year and they said it would decrease...I wanted sex MORE. On my imiprimine, same thing, as well as with my birth control. Who knows, though.

    I'll keep my head up, though. I don't expect to be back in the swing of things as before but hopefully in time it'll be fine.

  • saltiest


    Depo is a shot that is taken every three months as a form of birth control. It is also one of the few that can be taken while breastfeeding, which is why I plan on using it. The small birth control pills you can do with breastfeeding doesn't exactly provide the protection rate I'm looking for.


  • BobsGirl

    I am sorry for your experience Billygoat, but I am of the belief that man has invented only three truly great things .... the flush toilet .... the telephone .... and the depo provera shot! I LOVE it ... No cramping ... no menstruation .... and it is as effective as a tubal ligation. My husband will also attest to the fact that it doesn't always decrease libido ....


    "May the work of your hands be a sign of gratitude and reverence to the human condition." - Mahatma Gandhi

  • LDH

    Depo-Provera is an injected form of birth control, and it's Prostoglandin only.

    Every three months you get a new shot.

    I think I'm gonna take the Micronase birth control pill, cuz you can take and breastfeed at the same time!

    Saltiest, please find my thread 'Who's pregnant' and tell us about yourself! Welcome to the board!


  • Joyzabel

    the terms superfecundation refers to the fertilization of two ova within a short period of time but not at the same coitus, nor necessarily by sperm from the same man. (Williams pg 864 - documented 1982 by Dr. Harris, black baby , type A, white baby, type 0, husband & wife type O. Wife had been raped.)
    In superfetation, an interval as long as or longer than on ovulatory cycle intervenes between fertilizations. Willians pg 863 says " it has not been unequivocally demonstrated in women, although it is theoretically possible until the uterine cavity is oblierated by the fusion of the dicudua capsularis to the decidua vera. (Williams is the Bible of OBs in usa)
    Soooo, I stand corrected, that if Williams said there hasn't been any documented cases of superfetation, only theorectical, I'll keep watching for it.
    Unfortunately, this got us way off the tract of sex in the third trimester. My saying is - position of choice and experment! j

  • Yerusalyim


    My son too was born Decemeber 26, in 1988.

    I agree with Simon Pregnant women are dead sexy. Before my ex was prego with little Yeru I was happy with twice a week even though she wanted more. After she got pregnant, I was an everyday man. My Christmas gift from the ex was some good old fashioned sweaty sex after two weeks of those wonderful "Alternatives" mentioned before. She went into labor just afterwards.

    My first stupid comment was going to be, who wants sex once ya got her pregnant, time to move on anyhow by then.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

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