No way! I will just request an ultrasound every visit
How can you be sure that the second child was actually from another ovulation cycle? I have heard of cases that a mother has a child from 2 seperate fathers, I don't deny those cases occuring. My point is most cases that have been reported to me are older cases, except for the latest case that Jan gave us a link to. And even the doctor involved states he has never seen anything like this. He even suggested an outside source(chemically) helped for this to happen.
Twenty years ago ultrasounds were just starting to be used in the medical field. And honestly ultrasounds are not 100% fool proof. I know of one woman here on this forum who had one child of her twins "hiding" so she was not aware she was having twins, for a little while. So perhaps the sudden appearance of another fetus is not proof that another ovulation cycle occured. The fact that the baby was 4 weeks delayed, also does not mean it was from another ovulation.
My own child was born on time, actually a few days before her due date. But she suffered from IUGR due to a knot tied in her cord. Her head was 36 weeks along, and her abdomen was 32 weeks.
I will keep looking, but the BBC article is the only thing I have seen so far that is close to proof that this can happen. And I believe that it was more than a quirk in nature that brought this on.
Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins