Hook Lines or Phrases Jehovah's Witnesses Use to Control You

by flipper 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    SSRRIOTSUAD- Yes, the witnesses try to put guilt on us by asking, "If Jehovah or Jesus were here would you do it ? " Good one. And if Jesus is still in charge of the elders these days - brother, I think we better get a new Jesus !

    HEATHEN- " The society says " . Yes ! I remember that one ! That expression used to irritate the hell out of me as well ! Good phrase. The old " carved in stone " syndrome !

    SASS MY FRASS- " The brotherhood " ! Boy, it sounds creepy to me now when I hear that term ! Like they are in a cult or something . Oh, wait, they are in a cult !

    JACE the SPACE- Yeah, the witnesses think they know what we need ! We need the meetings like a hole in the head !

    MR. MAJESTIC- That was a great comeback Mr. Bronson, er, Majestic ! You helped that witness see they are the ones throwing their lives away ! Good job !

    NEW LIGHT- Ick ! Those terms you said made me nauseous ! Especially " making progress " ! If they say you are " irregular " you could say - no, I use the bathroom quite regularly, thank you very much ! You know, just to piss them off !

    FINALLY FREE- Thinking people would agree ! Funny. When was the last time you saw a witness think at all ?

    4MY LOVE- " Marry Me " ! LOL! I guess you have experienced that little hook line haven't you ! LOL! Hope you and your inactive witness hubby are doin' O.K. still.

    JAMBON 1 - Yes, that " we can clearly see " term was used so much it was like beating a dead horse ! I even used that expression when giving talks - freaks me out to think I used that now when I think about it ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    With Armageddon (the end, the new world, etc.) now so close at hand, we need to... [earnestly preach, send every dime to WT, not attend college, not get full-time employment, not marry, not have children, or other such trash].

    Marrying an unbeliever is like marrying a corpse.

    Even the worst [house, job, whatever] in God's Kingdom will be better than the best [house, job, whatever] in Satan's system.

    Satan misleads the entire world with the reasoning...

  • erandir

    "Right thinking individuals..."


    "He didn't have the right heart condition."

    "He must not have had the truth to begin with."

    "The Mother-like Organization..."

  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It

    4mylove: "marry me" ... I think that's a quote from Arrested Development. you must be in the wrong thread. (I hope someone here has watched)

    here's my pet peeve quote from the loyal faithful ones when checking on you or some other disenfranchised fader:
    "how are you doing?" or how is he/she doing?"

    this always hacks me off. I typically answer "just fine!" and tell them how life hasn't fallen to crap without th WTS. it's basic code for *what* are you doing as a witness and can they write you off as a heathen.

    the follow up is usually "does he/she/y'all go to meetings anymore?"

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Your husband beats you, you say? Have you tried praying? God hates a divorcing. You need to try harder to be a spiritual wife.

    Marry only in the Lord.

    It would behoov you young brothers to remain single like Paul counseled. He never married nor was his life empty. Jehovah will bless you for your righteous stand in this matter.

    White Dove needs a bucket QUICK!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    We all wondered where you've been. We've all MISSED you! (Never mind that the secretary and many others know where you live and have your phone number with e-mail address).

    If you aren't in Jehovah's organization under his protection, you are in Satan's. You are either for Jehovah or against him.

  • flipper

    Great one liners and phrases by all of you !

    BILLY the EX- BETHELITE- Oh yes. " The end is close at hand so we need to...." Heard that a million times before - talk about control !

    ERANDIR- Boy, I do remember " Didn't have the right heart condition ", and " must have not had the truth to begin with ". Such controlling statements.

    NOT FEELING IT- I think 4 MY LOVE was saying her witness husband used that hook line " marry me " to get her to marry HIM - a Jehovah's Witness ! Just wanted to clear that up. The statement you said , " Does he or she go to meetings anymore ? " I've sure heard that one also many times , I've been asked that a million times ! Jeez.

    WHITE DOVE- " Marry only in the Lord " Gag. And the nerve of them to tell women to stay with abusive husbands !And telling young men they should stay single and not get married ! Very controlling ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • DanTheMan

    JW's are continually told how they are supposed to feel and think via the question & answer sessions that are an essential part of every meeting. When you isolate the questions from the material, the level of manipulation becomes all the more apparent. The WTS treats JW's like children. Here's a few questions from a recent WT study. I can almost hear the canned, robotic answers.

    Q3) What results are being obtained today by Kingdom proclaimers in their preaching activities, and how does that make you feel?

    Q5) What kind of people have Jehovah's favor?

    Q6) Against what must Kingdom preachers guard, and why?

    Q12) How should we view the people to whom we preach, and why?

    Q20) What should each of us be determined to do?

    I remember seeing (perhaps on the WTS website) that they even recently had an article telling JW's how to answer the questions at the meetings! If somebody knows where I can find this, I'd love to have it for reference.

  • dmouse

    I hate the word 'admit' they tag on...as if someone has been forced by sheer weight of logic to concede to their point of view.


    Scientists admit...

    Right-hearted people admit...

    Many will admit...

  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It
    NOT FEELING IT- I think 4 MY LOVE was saying her witness husband used that hook line " marry me " to get her to marry HIM - a Jehovah's Witness ! Just wanted to clear that up.

    no lack of clarity there Mr. Flip! I was just being flippant. You can relate, no?

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